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Well folks, we’ve come to the end. The final PLA blog is here.    At the beginning of my senior year, I told myself I would be more involved in PLA. I took 401 in the first semester after COVID and, in all honesty, I always struggled to feel connected. After the...

Boogie Nights – A Review

If you are looking for a fun, exciting, provocative new movie this week, try Paul Thomas Anderson’s Boogie Nights (1997). This past week, I watched Boogie Nights for the first time. I had seen some of Paul Thomas Anderson’s other films and liked them, but they were...

Astroweb Scene With Scoring!

My senior film team and I have arrived at a very exciting part of the filmmaking process—scoring! A friend of our DP (Director of Photography) named Mason Keeler is a local musician and producer. He gave us some test music for this scene and we loved it. The music...

Mythology and Religion

This semester I am taking my second ever Jewish Studies class. Although I am Jewish myself, both times I have taken a JST class, I have learned so much new information about my own people and faith. This semester that class I am taking is called ‘Jewish Myths.’ I...

On Fandom

Yesterday morning, I arrived in the great city of Philadelphia. By the time most of you will read this, you will know the outcome of Super Bowl LVII. You will know whether I am still wandering on South Broad Street, yelling ‘go birds’ to anyone who will listen, or...

Improvement and Leadership in Film

Anyone who has been reading my blogs over the past school year knows that I have been writing and directing my longest film yet. This production has been by far my biggest and most consequential. I have never worked with this many crew members, actors, locations, and...

Hollywood Shakeup!

Two days ago, Bob Iger returned to his position as Disney CEO after a short retirement. Iger worked as CEO from 2005 to early 2020, when he announced his retirement. In his time at Disney, Bob Iger put together a run of remarkable success. He made a series of key...

Filmmaking 101

This semester, my life has been completely dedicated to directing my second ever short film. I’ve written about this project many times in blogs, and I hope at least a few of you have been following this journey! The project is the longest I have ever made and I am...

Franklin’s Woes

Like many of us, I was distraught after Saturday’s game. Four—three, really—years of Penn State football and the same result each and every year. The Nittany Lions start hot, win one tougher game out of conference, drop an early game to a less talented Big 10 team,...