by Hanna Leonard | Oct 15, 2016
For anyone who has talked to me about this, they would know that I want to become a lawyer and pursue Health law. This is a decision that comes to me without a second thought. I actually took the time to really think about why I want to do this – why does this field...
by Hanna Leonard | Oct 8, 2016
After a stressful week preparing for Homecoming and scrambling to get things settled with the parade and schoolwork, I am finally done with it all! It feels so nice to be finished with everything – such a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. In addition to...
by Hanna Leonard | Oct 1, 2016
Earlier this week, I got a call from my mother as soon as she got out of work from Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia. Typically, she fills me in on my brother and sisters at home and what’s been up in their lives. As the oldest child in the family, this is a very...
by Hanna Leonard | Sep 17, 2016 |
So far, junior year has amounted to large amounts of stress. Yes, I know everyone is in the same boat. Yes, I know it’s not just me. And yes, I am being a bit of a baby. But you know what? I have deserved the right to act like a baby, and I am going to take this...
by Hanna Leonard | Sep 11, 2016
So far, junior year has been unbelievably busy. For the past two weeks, I feel as though I’ve been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. So this Friday, I decided to spend the night in – purely to binge watch my new favorite Netflix show: Real Husbands...
by Hanna Leonard | Sep 3, 2016
This summer, I worked in a fish market and restaurant down in Sea Isle City, New Jersey. Although I was not exponentially improving my resume as I was painstakingly shucking corn and cleaning tables every night, I would not redo it if given the opportunity. This...
by Hanna Leonard | Apr 24, 2016
“Change is the law of life.” This is able to be recognized for what it conveys on the surface, however it can be hard to internalize. A lot of fear, anxiety, and sadness accompany this phrase, but moments of excitement, happiness, and relief do as well. This year, I...
by Hanna Leonard | Apr 17, 2016
This weekend, I was not able to spend it with my friends at the Blue and White game (even though I twitter-stalked how the game went down). Instead, I attended a super fun wedding Friday night and decided to spend the weekend with my family. Amidst the craziness...
by Hanna Leonard | Apr 10, 2016 |
My roommates are crazy. They are loud and get fed up with each other relatively quickly. In fact, I didn’t even know two of them before moving in. However, even though this year has been a tumultuous one, it taught me a lesson that had left me early in my freshman...
by Hanna Leonard | Apr 3, 2016
This weekend, as I finally shook the remainder of the Norovirus, I decided to watch a multitude of TedxTalks (as one does when limited to their room). One stuck out to me in particular though. I watched a TedxTalk about a concept called “Multipotentialism.” This had...
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