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Ending Conversations with Awe

Fair warning, this post is a bit more personal, but I want to share because a fellow PLA-er was able to help me feel that sense of “ending with awe” which Dr. Holleman explained in HONOR 401.  For those in HONOR 401 with me, you may have noticed that I was not in...

Home Alone Diary

To anyone that ran into me at the SHO Time Pizza party in Atherton on Thursday evening, I’m sure I looked a tad frenzied as I ate my pizza before hopping in the car to drive home. In typical college student fashion, I forgot to schedule my yearly dentist...

The Summers of Our Childhood

It’s that time of year again when asking “what are your plans for the summer” becomes a fairly appropriate topic of conversation. By now, most people have their plans settled whether that is an internship, classes, work, traveling or something else....

Pontius Pilate’s Leadership Dilemma

As a Christian, Holy Week and Easter are the most important times of year. As much fun as Christmas is, Easter is the holiday that truly celebrates the foundation of our faith. Today is Good Friday, the day that marks the crucifixion of Jesus before he rose again to...

A Break from Break

Everyone had the exact same conversation starter this week: “How was your spring break?” It’s the natural question to ask someone after we have all spent our week doing different things whether it’s traveling somewhere fun, going home to...

What is Ancestry?

For General Education credits in social science, I am taking Anthropology 210N: Anthropology, Ancestry, and You. This course focuses primarily on what genetics and ancestry teach us about ourselves and the world around us while also provided students with...

Dancing in THON 2023

Like several other PLA-ers, I will be dancing in THON this year, and with that comes many emotions. The excitement and nerves meld together as I wonder how I will feel and act during a weekend that I will not sit or sleep. I have a few thoughts that have grounded me...

An Ode to Penn State

While I recognize there are faults in Penn State, just as there are in every institution and individual, I do not hide my love for this university. When asked if I watch football, my response is “Penn State football,” and I have received quite a few...


With this new semester also comes the important reminder to value connections. I have always valued the people in my life whether they are a ride or die best friend or someone who I only know by their first name that makes a terrible class feel a bit better. The...

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Something you may not know about me (or you might know), is that I LOVE shopping. Not just clothes. I love buying craft supplies, ingredients in the grocery store, fresh flowers. I simply cannot say no to a sale because I love coming up with creative ideas about what...