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Action Method Journal

Throughout this last week, I have continued on my journey to de-stress, and which includes my stress journal and my reflections on yoga. I have transcribed this week’s entry below. 1. I continued with my regularly scheduled Level 1–2 flow class, which goes from...

Reflections on Yoga as My Action Method To Combat Stress

Which Action Method are you participating in? This week, I continued my Beginner–Intermediate yoga class. Unlike last week (due to my illness), it was not the power workout class, but the regular flow class. What part of this commitment has been the easiest this week?...

Further Reflections on Stress

Here are further reflections on my stress: One major source that causes a spike in my stress level (and to some this is silly, though not to me) are the politicians running for election this year. I feel passionate about the future of our country, and I fear that I...

Rethinking College

As graduation approaches, I have fielded the following question on more than one occasion, and asked it to my friends more than once: “If you could go back to senior year of high school and redo the college process, would you do it the same way?” At first, I found...

Thesis Drafting

As I’ve been drafting for my thesis, I thought I would share some of the writing I’ve done over the past week. I’ve been interested in a recently developing historiographical trend of inserting the historian back into the research, so some of you...

Reflections on Stress

For my Action Methods for Stress Management class this week, I quickly performed a stress inventory of my life, and my professor provided me with some reflection questions for consideration as I did so. For this blog, I have decided to answer those questions: What...

HONOR 401 Essay #4

John R. Eldridge wrote, “Words are knowledge, and knowledge is power. Your speech becomes you, so use it wisely.” The power language has in literature and speech has a greater effect than most people care to think. Entering Penn State as an English major, I admit that...

Comments #1

Comment on Alex’s “A Millennial’s thoughts on the 2016 Presidential Election” Hey, Alex– Once again, I’m impressed by the breadth and thoroughness of your thoughts, as well as the way you articulate it in your post. (FYI–I often read your blog posts;...