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American Psycho

In light of the abundance of free time I’ve had in the ‘post-thesis writing’ era of my senior year, I have been watching tons of movies.  For anyone who wasn’t already aware, Penn State has a movie library, paid for with your tuition dollars,...

On Predictability

Rather than talk about something that has happened in my life this week, I figured I’d spend this blog discussing some of my general thoughts on life. I’m realizing more and more how unique the open-ended stimulus for blogs is. In light of this, I wanted to take the...

Can I See Some ID?

On Thursday of last week, I had my first day at the N. Atherton Fine Wine & Good Spirits (FWGS). At 2:15, I arrived at the store and was immediately handed a scanner, 5 cases of Crown Russe to stock, and thrown to the wolves. Anxious, overwhelmed, and confused, I...

Answering Hate

As I’m sure many people know, last Wednesday the Penn State community hosted the controversial and self-proclaimed provocateur Milo Yianoppolous. Thankfully, Milo’s visit was entirely peaceful from what I’ve gathered. The protests to his appearance...

Out of Commission

This week marked the first time in over two years that I have been seriously sick. Sure, I’ve had rough days with sniffles and coughs, but none like those that I’ve experienced over the last six. If you’ve been paying attention, I’m sure that...

Suggestion Box: An Original Podcast

Welcome to “Suggestion Box,” where we host conversations and feature guest appearances that question what we can do about the bothersome things in all of our lives. I’m Lewis Richardson, and I’m writing alongside co-host and executive producer...

Transitioning to Normalcy

We are at a point of transition. No matter where I look, it seems that the people around me have charted a course towards normalcy. Crowds of students have flocked to the bars, which are now allowing 75% capacity. Warm weather has encouraged hundreds to spend their...

Why I Hate Blogging Now

It seems like every single week I produce a similar mental response to writing a blog — “ugh, another one.” I’m certain that every single member of PLA has expressed a similar sentiment at some time or another depending on your present workload...

The Death of My Community

This weekend, I visited home for the first time since the semester began just over a month ago. Despite remaining in contact with my family throughout the school year, it was certainly refreshing to see loved ones in this time of continued isolation and social...

Looking Out for Others

There comes a point in many of our lives where a lot of people begin relying upon us. This time doesn’t arrive at a certain age nor does it happen to every single one of us despite the fact that we likely have people that we ourselves rely upon. Such a position...