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Surprises & Semester Successes

I have been WAITING to make a blog on this and finally, the time has come. I am incredibly proud to announce that on April 12th, it was revealed that I became a sister of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Incorporated. Bet you all didn’t expect that one! This has...

Thoughts on Baltimore Key Bridge

I wasn’t really sure on what to write about today. So much and so little has been going on around me in the past two weeks so I ask myself what I normally do before I begin writing these blogs: What has impacted me the most recently? And immediately, it came to...

Let’s Talk Films: Get Out

Recently, I rewatched one of my latest obsessions: a movie by Jordan Peele titled Get Out. One thing about me is that I LOVE a movie I can deeply analyze from beginning to end. Other movies I have enjoyed for this reason are El Hoyo and Us, These movies had deep, rich...

The Price of Praising

My voice is GONE. Don’t be alarmed: it isn’t gone forever. I don’t think ANYONE had a free weekend due to everything going on. I’m talking about THON and other events. I know we had PLAers part of the planning process and dancing and to those...

Skoggys and Smiles

Cerquita de las personas que hacen que tu corazón vibra de alegría In the recent months, I think I have been finally found my people. My previous concept of this idea of finally belonging and finding the people was vary misconstrued. I felt like I had to find people...

Org Shoutout: BLUEPrint!

For those who may not know, I am a part of a lovely mentoring program known as BLUEPrint. BLUEPrint aims to assist first-year or change of campus students of color with their transition to Penn State University Park academically and socially with the help of their...

My Spotify Wrapped

It’s the time of the year that everyone looks forward to! And no, it isn’t Christmas. I am a big music person, therefore, Spotify Wrapped is my national holiday. I love seeing the diversity in music genres that I have listened to over the year and how it...

Admitting You’re Not Alright

The absolute hardest thing for me to do is to admit that I am not alright. Throughout the roughest moments of my life, I have not been able to admit to anyone, not even the closest around me, that I am going through something. Part of it is because of appearance. I...

Away from it All

This weekend, I attempted to run away from it all. Sounds a bit dramatic, but recently, this month has not been my month. This sentiment has been pretty shared amongst many of my friends too, so perhaps it’s something in the air. Regardless, I got over my FOMO and...

One Word: Hamilton

I firmly believe it is NEVER too late to continue talking about the AMAZING New York City trip we had last weekend. The second I stepped onto the sidewalk of the concrete jungle, I immediately knew my blog HAD to be about my experiences. Was being in New York...