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Sensitive Dependence of Initial Conditions

Sensitive Dependence of Initial Conditions

In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. Whenever a new chapter begins in my life, I always come...

What I (Really) Wish I’d Known As A Freshman In College

1. Skip School For The Right Reasons Here’s a news flash: Most of your college courses won’t matter. This is a pretty bold point to be coming out of the gate with, but I wanted to make this clear. ‘One day’ is a direct translation for ‘never’. Travel (cheaply). Sit in...
An Important Question We Overlook Everyday

An Important Question We Overlook Everyday

I watched this short film about an hour ago and it got me thinking about all the little decisions I make every day. It got me thinking: Am I taking action on all the things that I want to when I go about my life every day? Regrets, for most people, don’t come...
Most People Won’t.

Most People Won’t.

If you think you’re destined for great things, remember this: Most People Won’t. When people offer you advice, or vocalize an opinion about your decisions, or decide to put you down, remember: most people won’t. Won’t What? Most people...
Leftover Ideas

Leftover Ideas

I love twitter for a lot of reasons. I think it’s the most important thing to ever happen on the internet. But for me, it’s been an outlet for me to share and develop my ideas. Many of my tweets end up being precursors for my blog, others are ideas that I...
HONOR 401H Essay #5

HONOR 401H Essay #5

Look back at an event in your Penn State career, perhaps something you blogged about, where you felt that it was nothing but negative. A bad experience, not being able to accomplish what you had intended, a “door” closing on you, an event that you just did not see in...

What Makes The Difference?

You’re The Captain of Your High School Team: Autonomy/Freedom/Comfort You kneel down to refasten your shoelaces. You look up. You have to squint: the lights illuminating the field are in your eyes. The fall air is brisk. You can’t help but think this is the perfect...
My Personal Brand Strategy in 2016 is Email?

My Personal Brand Strategy in 2016 is Email?

In working on Nametag, I have to think about building my own personal brand much more than I normally would. I’ve always monitored my twitter followers, my blog numbers, etc. But now that I have a small amount of momentum, it’s time to reevaluate my...

Why You Can’t Blame Racists And Bigots

I don’t believe in Free Will.  It’s not necessarily easy to live with that view – but I truly believe we’re a slave to our destinies. I believe we’re an output of all the inputs and sensory that we have been exposed to from day one. Our...