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I wrote a thesis?

As most of you know, the word “thesis” has been a very emotional one for me over the past few months. This entire undertaking has been one full of ups and downs- an actual roller coaster. The very idea of having to complete a thesis was one I began to...

To Rewrite

I am already enjoying this essay topic because not only does it involve a weekly reflection by blogging but also it appears to be a more bird eye view reflection as I reflect over a culmination of blog posts over the past few months. And I have come to a realization...

SHC Connect 2015 Event

Yesterday I attended the SHC Alumni Connect Event of 2015. Many of my friends were confused as to why I was attending since I already have a full-time job. However, I saw it as an opportunity to just hear some new insight. When listening to the finance panel moderated...

A reminder of the significance of an open-mind

As I reflect on the trip to Puerto Rico, the main concern that dawns on me is that it was my last PLA trip. PLA has become such a large component of my college career and has been a huge factor in shaping my time here at PSU. It is hard to believe that I just...

Thesis Setbacks

As the primary purpose of these blogs is to reflect on the past week- that is exactly what I intend to do. As of recently, I’ve found myself on social media a lot more than I would like to admit. I have also realized it is because I have taken procrastination to...

Life After the Academy

Essay #4 I know that I am not alone when I say this, but it is a strange feeling to realize that this is my last semester of eight. As often as people remark that time flies, my past four years have definitely contained a massive amount of memories and I wouldn’t...

Sex, Drugs & Silicon Valley

Yes, a very enticing title indeed. That is what compelled me to watch this cover on CNNmoney. I am not well-versed on the culture in Silicon Valley, other than what I have learned from fellow PLA students who are very involved with hackathons and start-ups. But I do...

The Defining Decade

Over winter break, I read the book “The Defining Decade: Why your twenties matter- and how to make the most of them now.” I was skeptical of reading it at first because I am not one to read these types of books. However, I figured I had nothing to lose and...

Sparks a Discussion

I highly recommend everyone taking some time over this must-read. In Friedman’s “It’s a Flat World, After All” he argues that we are currently in a ‘quiet crisis’ much like we once were in a cold war crisis,’ however, instead...

Did we just have the last class of the semester?

That is the exact question that keeps replaying in my mind. It is hard to explain, but it truly just hit me that this is my senior year, the culmination of many years in school, and that I officially have one semester left. I am so conditioned to the pattern, of a...