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Song Recommendations

I am currently writing this at 4:30 am as I am pulling my first all nighter this semester and realized I needed to post my blog. I wanted to list some music recommendations. I believe that music really helps regenerate the soul. Anything by Blackbear Sofia by Clairo...

New York <3 + what is on my mind??

Hey everyone! I decided to use this blog post as both a NYC reflection, as well as say somethings on my mind! First, sorry that I reminded you all I was from New York a million times.. I just really love my city. I feel as though there is so many opportunities in New...

Building Friendships

As a freshman I did not branch out the way that I should’ve. Since I was here over the summer before starting freshman year, I grew close to people that were within my building and decided that those were going to be my only friends during freshman year. So when the...

The Love of Being Busy

I enjoy being busy. That is not something that I hear everyday from other people. However, if you ask any of my friends and especially my mom, they will tell you that the perfect day for me is having meetings and classes, engaging with a multitude of different people...