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Movin On

As much as I would like to write this blog post about the AMAZING lineup we had this year for my final Movin On concert, I am actually going to talk about the new stage of my life that I am about to begin. I am still in denial that I am graduating from the most...

Not what I expected but what I needed

Everyone has an idea of what graduation is like. We have seen all the movies with the slow-motion cap throwing, and everyone crying with their lifelong friends. Last semester senior year is supposed to be the peak of a person’s college career. It is the last time that...

Corona and Lime

**This was written a few weeks ago before it got to the point it is at right now, but I think it still has some good information about the disease As most of you know, there is a new pandemic sweeping across China and rapidly spreading. The Coronavirus, a vector...

Goals for my Final Semester

As it will be my final semester at Penn State, I have decided to fill my plate to the maximum, as per usual, to get everything I possibly can out of my time at Penn State. After seven intensely packed semesters one would think that I would make my last one fun and...

Last Holiday Hurrah

This Thanksgiving and Christmas are the last two holidays I will be spending in my home that I have lived in for over 17 years. The place where my sister, cousin and I would put on shows in my pool. My house filled with birthday parties, sports practices on the front...

Being a Teacher is Harder than it Looks

This past week some awesome PLA students approached me about this new program Students Teaching Students that they are starting up next semester. This program was formulated to a fill a need within the Penn State curriculum that has not been met. Students are then...


These past few weeks I have been learning a lot about love through my wonderful mans Anthony as well as my very close friends and I thought it would be important to share what I have learned. For myself I always thought I knew what love was. I have been in many...

Fighting for Freedom: Hong Kong and the NBA

For the past several months, the geopolitical tensions occurring in China have caught the world’s attention. Protestors in Hong Kong have been resisting oppression from the mainland Chinese government through widespread demonstrations, and onlookers from the United...

The Lost Art of Nonpartisan Communication

The other day, I was talking to my boyfriend and tried to ask him some political questions concerning things that were happening in the news and topics I had been discussing with friend. He was very reluctant to discuss with me any political ideas because of previous...


I used to think when people talked about the importance of relationships, I thought they were talking about a significant other. When they say you have to put in time, and effort, and work on communication that was only with someone you were dating or in love with at...