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My Own Personal Plague

Everyone knows that time of year when everyone gets sick and the entire dorms become infested with the Penn State Plague. It comes and go rather quickly. It spreads and dies out to make sure everyone can recover and get back to their lives. I have not been so lucky....

A mix of Senioritis and Pre-med Shenanigans

After three full years of stress and consistently rigorous course schedules, I have finally got the “easy”, so to speak, schedule I have heard of but have never experienced. With a measly 13 credits of a mix of 100 level gen ed’s and participation-based classes I feel...

First Lasts

I cannot believe it is finally here. My last fall semester at the Pennsylvania State University. My last fall sylly week has come and gone and soon a lot more lasts will begin. It’s really strange to think about all the time that has passed since I began my time at...


Mental health is something that most people try to avoid talking about. It is still majorly stigmatized and can be seen as weakness among other things. Penn State tried to make it seem more normal and common and as an RA I see that the efforts are being put forth to...

Worst Week

This past week was one of, if not the worst weeks of my college career. I had two huge exams on the same day, interviews and a ton of assignments due. I sacrificed my social life and physical workout routine to study for an unreasonable amount of time to prepare for...

Livin it up in LA

Every trip without fail I am pleasantly surprised about how much fun I have and how many amazing people I get to interact with. The LA trip during spring break has to have been my favorite trips I have taken thus far with PLA. Each and every day I was intellectually...

The Pollock Projects

Reading so many amazing blog posts today really got me fired up about race relations not only in America overall, but in University Park Pennsylvania. To start off if you were wondering that the title of my blog post means I shall explain soon. As the extra extravert...

The Penn State Plague

You think college is hard enough without having to deal with two back to back strep infections. For the past three weeks, I have tried to be socially active and see my friends, but the times have been limited. For this semester, I tried to improve my course load a bit...

Fit Fab & Fun

With junior year in full swing, I have been trying to really find myself and really work on #livinmybestlyfe. Through some trials and tribulations, as all people must go through, I am finally finding things I am passionate about and figuring out ways to help me...

Semester 6

  I cannot believe I am one week into semester 6 of my college career. As I write this blog I am reminiscing on all the good times that Penn State has provided for me thus far. The amazing opportunities through Schreyer, PLA, being a TA, RA, LA, on executive...