Letters and Doyle Cartoons

Over a long career of a half-century, Doyle received many letters of praise and anger in response to his editorial cartoons, many related to contemporary figures targeted in his daily cartoon panels. As Doyle succinctly expressed, “Damn, I’m only happy when they’re giving me hell.” In his old Philadelphia Daily News office, he even created a “wall of shame” to display the most vitriolic letters received. Doyle’s work and social circles brought him in close contact with prominent politicians, business and community leaders, labor figures, clerics, athletes, and entertainers. Among his most prized possessions were letters from American presidents, requesting original Doyle cartoons as keepsakes. Several of these cartoons were destined for presidential libraries, highlighting signature events, issues, and accomplishments associated with the respective presidential administration.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to Jerry Doyle (July 7, 1936)

Carry On!

President Lyndon Baines Johnson to Jerry Doyle (January 14, 1969)

We Have Made a Beginning, But We Have Only Begun

LBJ and Kennedy’s Legacy

President Richard Milhous Nixon to Jerry Doyle (December 2, 1968)

Transition-The American Way


Lester Kite (White House Staff Assistant to President Jimmy Carter) to Jerry Doyle (March 13, 1979)

The Pill—At Long Last & Very Late 

Rabbi Julian B. Feidelman to Jerry Doyle (March 18th, 1935)

Under the Hoofs!

The Rise of Nazism and Fascism Over Europe

Ellis Searles (United Mine Workers Journal) to Jerry Doyle (February 27, 1937)

His Foot in the Door

John L. Lewis (CIO) and Alfred Sloan (General Motors), Union Organization of the Auto Industry (1937)

Anson B. Evans, President, Jeffersonville Golf Club, to Jerry Doyle (August 1, 1937) 

Practice Makes Perfect!

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