Past Events Presentations

Athabasca University Online Session: OER – Inside and Outside of the Classroom – Feb. 28, 2020 – 2-4 MT – Online Session

Athabasca University has an interesting event online 2-4pm MT on February 28th. Info follows…

Learning Café

Learning can be and should be fun! The purpose of the Learning Café is to provide a forum to present techniques and practices that motivate students and their distance and online experience in a fruitful and enjoyable one.


OER – Inside and Outside of the Classroom

AU Edmonton Room 1223

2-4 pm Friday 28 February 2020 MT –

Adobe Connect:

Dial telephone number: +1-8668119555

Enter the following details when prompted:

Conference Code: 8076968376

Presented by Krysta McNutt and Michael McNally from the University of Alberta.

Krysta McNutt, PMP, Open Education Program Lead, Centre for Teaching and Learning. Since leading the provincial Campus Alberta OER Initiative she continues advocating for open education with the University of Alberta’s Centre for Teaching and Learning by working with faculty on finding, adapting, and creating open educational resources (OER) and supporting the UA OER Grants program.

Dr. Michael McNally, Associate Professor, School of Library and Information Studies. Michael has been involved in the OER community since 2012.  Most recently he has been involved in the University of Alberta’s Opening Up Copyright project aimed at creating a series of interactive, online instructional videos that are copyright OERs.  His research in OER centres primarily on tensions in OER design.


While still considered experimental, over half of Canadian post-secondary institutions are using open textbooks. Western Canada is the region with the highest percentage of institutions using open textbooks (75% of institutions). The highest proportions of institutions using open textbooks were in British Columbia (90%) and Alberta (78%).

In this session, we will touch on the history and trends of open educational resources (OER) and share examples of how open licensing permissions can enhance learning. We will explore examples of teaching with OER in various disciplinary settings, discuss these applications in the context of online learning, examine tensions in OER design around openness, and collaboratively consider implementation strategies to navigate challenges.

Plan to join in at the Learning Café to talk with fellow educators and listen to some motivating guest speakers. Remember, the coffee, nibbles are free.


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