Past Events Presentations

Open Session: June 11, 2020 – 10am ET – Online Learning in Indonesia, Before and After the Covid 19 Pandemic

Open Session: June 11, 2020 – 10am ET – Online Learning in Indonesia, Before and After the Covid 19 Pandemic

Indonesia government has long been initiating online learning as one of the methods of learning. However, the progress was quite slow. It was only used for mostly the college and university level, especially at Open University. However, with the COVID pandemic on the rise, the Indonesian society was forced to use online learning for means of teaching and learning. We will present the challenges of Indonesia online learning after COVID-19 pandemic.

Presenters: Dr. Yenni Merlin Djajalaksana and Dr. Andi W. R. Emanuel, BSEE, MSSE

Presenter Information:

Yenni Merlin Djajalaksana, Ph.D.
She is a Faculty Member at Maranatha Christian University, INDONESIA who also managedĀ a women fitness business licensed corporation. She offers more than 19 years of extensive experience both in the higher education environment and in the business environment combined. Demonstrates a proven record of new higher education program planning, establishment, management, and leadership as well as instructional design and instructional technology (includes e-learning) for higher education and business practices.

Dr. Andi W. R. Emanuel, BSEE, MSSE
He is an Associate Professor in Informatics at Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, INDONESIA. His research interests are in Software Engineering, Open Source Software, Open Source Communities, Software Metrics, and Software Quality. He has educational experience as head of Informatics Bachelor Program and head of Council of Research and Community Services at Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Indonesia. Currently, he is the Vice Dean 3 (Student Affairs, Alumni, Cooperation, and Promotion) at the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia.



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