Well… here we are!

The end of my freshman year at Penn State has come to an end. Not only that, but it is time to say goodbye to this amazing year of Rhetoric and Civic Life.

Of course, RCL will follow me everywhere in my future. I will continue to note the specific rhetoric of politicians, peers, and teachers in order to establish its purpose. I will use my public speaking experience in future interviews, jobs, and social situations. I will practice my newfound writing skills throughout all of my upcoming classes at Penn State, as well as in personal entries that will be kept private.

I have truly enjoyed keeping this blog throughout the year, as it has encouraged me to share information about some of my passions, which is definitely out of my comfort zone.

I believe that anyone can improve something with practice or extra effort. Writing a blog seemed so foreign to me before this year. I could never have imagined myself as someone who would write entries each week, let alone become excited to write them.

My passion blog this whole year was focused on organization and bullet journalling. Organization was never something that I would consider to be an important aspect of my life. In fact, I just saw it as a weird habit of mine, in which I wanted everything to be straight or in a certain sequence. That was until I realized just how much could be said about it. Since starting this blog, I have realized how essential organization is to my daily routine and how much I enjoy it.

Moreover, this blog has given me a outlet to reflect on current issues in the United States and just how much they impact myself and those around me. I was even able to explore feminist goals and ideals and how I could incorporate those into my life.

This class has been one of my favorites so far at Penn State. I found myself truly enjoying attending classes and completing the assignments.

Overall, I feel as though RCL has taught me many life skills that I can use in the future and helped me to have a positive experience in my first year as a college student.

I will miss writing these blog posts, but remain excited to see what the future holds.
