College Student Mental Health

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Today’s topic mental health within the college student population!

But first article summaries!

The first article titled The College Student Mental Health Crisis discussed the mental health issue among college students. Declining mental health is no secret to college students. The crazy part is some of the things that we as college students praise are contributing factors to the declining mental health status of many students. The factors include, binge-drinking on weekends, pulling all-nighters, and a very active sexual life with multiple (sometimes random) partners. These factors which many are so proud of, often supply most of our mental health issues. The most important part is that these factors are all controllable, which many fail to realize.

The second article titled “Drunkorexia” a disturbing trend on college campuses is not really surprising to read. Every college kids knows that if you don’t eat before drinking you will get drunker faster, but you also run the risk of a mega hangover, something most students are willing to take. I was surprised to read that students use diuretics and laxatives to achieve the goal though. Personally, I have never participated in “Drunkorexia” because I would rather drink causally and have a good time than get super hammered.

Here is a PSA from yours truly (also a requirement for the assignment)!


Thanks for tuning in this week!

Talk Soon!

Autumn <3

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