Are you attractive?

How to get your crush to like you: Be attractive. 

I know what you are thinking. How shallow? How can you say such a thing?

Hear me out because there’s a valuable lesson to be learned here about yourself.

What do you picture when you think of attractiveness?

  • Suntanned skin
  • Less fat
  • Defined cheek bones
  • Maybe even…darker eye brows.

Rumor has it: these things can’t change. Some things you are born with and they aren’t going to go away any time soon. Sorry Disappointed Face on Apple iOS 11.3.

According to, the amount of money spent on cosmetics in the United States annually is $8 billon. $8 billion, which is a testament to how self-conscious we are as a society.

Instead, if you find yourself to be self-conscious about anything, there’s another simpler route you can take. Let me preface this by saying attractiveness is not solely based upon one’s aesthetic makeup. To be attractive, in scientific terms, you need to attract others towards you. Make them want to be around you. If you are attractive they should enjoy hanging out with you.

Let me break it down and give you an example. Have you even met someone or talked with them and said to yourself, “Dang, I wish I was them. David is soo cool.”? David, in this case, is attractive.

So to be attractive there are two things (1) Strive to be an interesting, honest, kind, happy, healthy, overall decent human being and (2) Don’t have unattractive behavior.

Do things that make people think ‘’Dammnn’’ when they hear it. Do things that you are passionate about and can carry on a conversation over. Do things that set you apart from all of the traditionally ‘’attractive’’ people out there.

Some examples: Join a varsity sport, travel all over the world, read books, start a company, learn how to make money, meet interesting people and maybe even volunteer.

Number 2: Don’t be unattractive or have unattractive behavior. There are plenty of beautiful, skinny, defined cheek-bone individuals out there who are completely and utterly unattractive because of the way they act. No one wants to be friends with someone who is disrespectful and rude.

To conclude, I am not putting this out there to say I am an expert and I am more attractive than you. I obviously have A LOT to work on. But I think it’s a thought-provoking, empowering and relieving concept to know that your biological features don’t have to define you.

This world is filled with anxiety. Everyone has some mental setback, whether it be social anxiety, plain-old ”I’m going to fail this exam” anxiety, or just repeated negative thoughts.

Depression rates have skyrocketed for this generation. And I think it has a lot to do with people being self-conscious about how they look, ruminating over what they wish could look different, and comparing themselves to other’s appearances. Comparison is the root of unhappiness. But imagine if people knew this simple trick: that they could still be attractive regardless of their genetic composition. Maybe they would stop trying to look like Gigi Hadid and Ryan Reynolds and care more about being a decent human being.

4 thoughts on “Are you attractive?”

  1. I agree, I hope the third path that I am taking – perhaps the one of being myself and maybe just a little bit of laziness, does not violate rule two too harshly.

    Still keeping with the healthy variety of topics, I always love coming here with the space background to read what was on your mind as of late.


    1. Haha! I’m sure you are doing fine with rule two. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Laziness in moderation is okay. Like anything else, there is always room for improvement. Thanks for commenting and adding to the dialogue.

  2. I love the way you talk about beauty in a way that many people in our society fail to see. Beauty is so much more than appearance, yet many people only worry about the way themselves and others look. There is always something good to be said about people who concern themselves with the person they are rather than the way they look. I also like how you tie these views of beauty into self consciousness and anxiety! Love your work, keep it up!

    1. Thank you! Yes there is definitely something a little messed up in the society we live in. There is a lot of pressure on America’s youth and I think part of what it comes down to, something I didn’t explicitly address here, is that we are too stressed as a society in addition to being anxious and self-conscious. I’ll save that topic for another time. I appreciate you for commenting and the honesty within your writing.

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