
Monthly Archives: February 2021

Fossil Fuel Dilberation
My group’s focus is environmental preservation as it relates to the fossil fuel industry. Our three approaches are politics, economics, and [...]
RCL1: Buffy Deliberation
Over the last couple months, I have been binge watching Buffy: the Vampire Slayer. In the show, the titular character, Buffy Summers faces a barrage of [...]
This I Believe
Sometimes short interactions with strangers leave you with nothing of substance, but other times, their words stay with you long after your encounter. I [...]
CI3: School-to-Prison Pipeline
The NAACP Legal Defense Fund defines the school-to-prison pipeline as the “funneling of students out of school and into the streets and the juvenile [...]
PAS3: Big Mouth and the Alt-Right Pipeline
Something I think almost everyone has noticed in terms of political ideologies, is that alternative right membership is on the rise. This is nothing new in [...]
CI2: Food Apartheid
Food apartheid is a frame with which food justice activists view the food system within the United States.  This phenomenon affects low income communities, [...]
PAS2: Covert Inclusion: Totally Spies and the CIA’s Rebranding 
If you were to ask me what my dream job was between the ages of three and eight, I would have said a spy. And the main reason for this is because one of my [...]
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