High School Studs Vol 2: Austin Rivers

“Imma Go off. Imma go off right now”

It was these words in his senior year that transformed Austin Rivers almost overnight from the son of an NBA coach to a viral sensation and one of the nation’s top prospects. Though now he’s a point guard for the Los Angeles Clippers, in high school Austin Rivers wasn’t even ranked until his senior year, but once the video of him destroying his competition came out, it was hard not to acknowledge his talent.

As a younger kid, Austin was always around the NBA because of father, Doc Rivers, who spent a decade in the NBA as a player and then for most of Austin’s childhood as a coach. Though now he plays for his father in the NBA, as a child Austin was always hampered by high expectations that he felt like he had to live up to. But in high school, he had no problem living up to the hype.

After the high school mixtapes, its debatable whether or not Austin actually lived up to his expectations. He was selected 6th in the NBA draft, and he’s played around 6 seasons in the NBA as to this point, so although he hasn’t lived up to the dominance he put on display in high school, he’s still a good player.

Basically, if you like athletic posters, swagger, and a legacy of basketball, give Rivers’ mixtape a click. Why not?

3 thoughts on “High School Studs Vol 2: Austin Rivers

  1. Something cool is how all these studies have had something to do with high schoolers who have a relation to the NBA in some way. It’s interesting to learn about these high expectations and how people react to them, and see you explain everything concisely.

  2. It’s absolutely crazy to see a high school senior playing with such talent. I also appreciate how easy your post is to read and the background information that you give on Rivers. Overall, great job!

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