The Best Vids on the Internet Vol 3: The Horribly Slow Murderer with The Extremely Inefficient Weapon

Over the first two entries of this blog, I’ve explored the two extremes of Viral Classics: The incredibly well made video with a nuanced and thoughtful message, and the incomprehensible screaming of a man at his cats with no particular message whatsoever. But, rest assured, the Internet is by no means limited to such stereotypes when it comes to producing new videos, and this blog entry’s subject is one such case.

At its heart, the story at the heart of The Horribly Slow Murderer With the Extremely Inefficient Weapon is a pretty generic plot. Basically, a regular guy is cursed and is being constantly hunted down by a being sent to kill him. However, the short film manages to take that stereotype and make it humorous in its own ridiculousness. You see, the murderer in question not only moves at an incredibly slow pace, his only weapon with which to kill his victims is an ordinary spoon.

This makes for a video both very long and very funny, as the main character traverses the world, going to experts and just trying to get away from the spoon-wielding assassin. As he becomes aware that he is in fact, dying very slowly due to blunt force trauma (Again, from a spoon) he begins to try to take out his enemy by any means necessary. It is exceptionally well made (The video was adapted into a larger film that actually did quite well), but what sets it apart from both videos so far is its commitment to its ridiculousness antics.

Though the concept of being beaten to death very slowly over time by a monster only you can see could be considered a dark metaphor for cancer or illness, in this case the pure absurdity of the character’s action in the film make it anything but. For example, there’s a typical horror movie parody scene where the main character attempts to call 911 on the murderer, but the murderer stops him by….. attempting to saw the phone cord in half very slowly with his spoon. Though you expected a more serious response from something following the plot of a murder movie, your expectations are always met with some kind of ridiculous plot twist, usually involving a spoon, which makes you laugh and keeps you interested in the next minutes.

Honestly, this video is one of my all-time favorites. It has 33 million views as of my writing of this, and it deserves so much more. The quality of its production is very high, and the quality of its humor and creativity is even higher. Even if you’ve seen a Cat and Mouse/ Murder kind of movie before, I guarantee you’ve never seen something as ridiculous(-ly cool) as this before.




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