THE BEST VIDS ON THE INTERNET VOL 4: “Who do you think you are?” “I am”

In the world of sports, there’s nothing better than an emotional victory. One where the stakes were so high, where the milestone was so important to the competitor, that a loss simply couldn’t be acceptable. Well, in true ESPN style, what if I told you that one of the most emotional and ridiculous moments happened in a sport that not too man people watch or care about? In this video, we explore the ridiculous emotional rant that bowling’s greatest, and most outlandish player went on after surpassing his father’s record of 4 and winning his 5th PBA open title, the most all time.

This, is the backstory of Pete Weber, a man who has been considered one of if not the greatest bowler in the world since the 1980’s. Pete was born to Dick Weber, a pro bowler himself, and he introduced Pete to the sport by the time he was 2. When he was 17, he became the youngest player ever in the PBA, and almost instantly he was one of the best.

Pete’s style though, has put off numerous competitors over the years. He is brash, cocky, and known for talking trash to anyone and everyone that he feels is in his path, including the crowd. He once even became furious with the sound of a photographer’s camera going off when he was getting ready to bowl. When he defeated Michael Haugen Jr. in the finals of the Louisville open, he looked into the camera and said “He ain’t getting his first against me! No Way!”, and in the 80’s he’s admitted to going on a 4 month long “Complete blackout” where he continuously did lines of cocaine and drank extensively every night. Though he’s been to rehab, Pete has fallen back into drinking a few times. Needless to say, he isn’t really  beloved figure in the sport, despite being one of the best ever. That said, none of that^ compares to the now viral rant he went on in this video.

The video depicts Weber, just after winning his fifth US Open in 2012 on the final throw, by one pin 215-214. After the throw, Weber turns to the crowd, which regularly tries to get him fired up, and explodes. “YES. GOD DAMN IT YES” He says, “That’s right! I did it! I’m number five, are you kidding me? I never thought… WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, I AM! Damn it right!” A seemingly incomprehensible babble that by itself seems absurd (And it is funny), this moment was the culmination of Pete’s whole bowling career, a moment that to be fair is probably the most iconic in the history of bowling, and if you haven’t seen it, might I say, you will never forget it.



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