The Last Ride

So, this is it. One year of college just about in the books, and this is the last passion blog I’ll have to do for RCL. It feels odd. Even though I’ve hated getting up at 8 am for class every other day during the week, RCL has brought a sense of welcome familiarity to my otherwise ever changing schedule during this year, and its something I’ve even grown to enjoy over time.

That said, my passion blog isn’t about me and my feelings. Its about videos, particularly the best ones on the internet, and this one is no different. But, since this is a rather personal and informal goodbye to RCL, I decided the share with you the video I believe is the best of them all on the internet: Below Average WWE Skit.

Produced, written, directed, and edited by yours truly, this video acted as a senior parody project we had to do at the end of senior year. Now, I am no stranger to parodies (Once I wrote an entire parody to Eminem’s ‘Lose Yourself’ with all the lines relating to something about calculus, and recorded a music video for it), this was one I was particularly happy with.

This video was honestly the most fun I’ve ever had doing an assignment for school, ever. After convincing my friends that the only work they’d really have to do was perform wrestling moves on each other and think of parody characters, we began developing a WWE style story to go around it. At first we have John Ce-None, a parody of John Cena who we made blind to turn his iconic catchphrase (You Can’t See Me) on its head (Now He Can’t See You.). The blind champ starts in an interview, which is comically interrupted by luchador Chef Mysterio who has one the Money in the Bank briefcase, which is a wrinkle in the WWE that allows anyone who has it to get a championship match at any given time. We parodied that by giving other characters similarly titled cases as well, turning the entire video into a moshpit where characters attempt to cash in their title shots all at once to take the title from the blind champ.

Is it a quality video? Absolutely not. We were awful actors, and ended up filming much of the video in the basement of one of the buildings of our old boarding school that looked nothin like a wrestling ring. But it was fun. The freedom we had to create it, the times shared filming it, all of it was great. In our last days of high school, almost a year ago now, we got the opportunity to do one final thing together, and we made it as goofy as possible just for the hell of doing it. As I reflect on it now, it makes me happy to think that in 40 years, I’ll probably still be able to look back on it and remember all the good times I had with those guys, especially since we’ve all since gone our separate ways. So, since this series is mostly my opinion, and it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t include my favorite video of all time as its last entry. Thank you to anyone whose ever read one of my goofy passion blogs, thanks to my buds, and thank you to RCL. I hope you get one last laugh from my stupid video. Mamba Out!




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