By Cheryl McLean
Independent Scholar, Writer, Ethnodramatist
Today all of us are experiencing the once in a century impacts of a world-wide pandemic, Black Lives Matter and national and international protests are beginning to lead the way toward real systemic change. Elder Lives Matter has yet to find its momentum or its movement but desperately needs new voices and visibility considering the isolation and marginalization of the aged, discrimination, the desperate state of elder care issues around quality of life/human rights and dignity, unresolved family grief and loss. And today the effects of stress, fear, illness, chaos and societal instability on mental health have been overwhelming and there are critical needs for education and programming as well as greater understanding about the importance of mental health today and on into the future.
I believe in the talent you have brought together at ADRI and it’s inspiring for me to know everyone I met at that first [advisory committee] meeting brings something vital and important to the table at this historic time when the needs are so great. What incredible collaborative creative potential there is in this group for the arts in action, for education and for profiling new research as well as for awareness raising and fostering hope through arts in many forms leading to social change.
Read more from Cheryl at her Art in Pandemic blog: