Holds on Student Accounts

Lesson 6: Academic Records and Student Progress Management

Current Page:  12 / 14

To ensure compliance with University Faculty Senate policies or to ensure communication with a student regarding the need to fulfill certain administrative or college requirements, some University offices are authorized to place holds on student records.

A hold is considered temporary and is removed as soon as the conditions for placing the hold are resolved.

The types of holds that can be placed on a student’s record are as follows:

Types of holds

Units that place and remove the holds
AcademicPlaced and removed by the appropriate college dean's office
AdministrativePlaced and removed by the Office of the University Registrar
placed and removed by the Office of Student Conduct
Offices such as the Parking Office, University Libraries, and Office of the Bursar
Financial Responsibility AgreementPlaced by the Registrar's office every semester and removed when a student indicates consent
HealthUniversity Health Services

Holds are displayed in the “Holds” quick reference box on the right side of the screen in the Student Center in LionPATH:


To access additional information about a hold you see on a student’s record, click the “details” link and then click on the hold link:



Look up information about a student hold – your mentor will provide a student ID # for you to use.