GO-TO Resources for Managing WDAdvising Cases

Lesson 9: Working with Students in the WDadvising General Email Account

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Fellow Advisers

We don’t know everything as advisers, but we should know how to obtain the answer for the student or assist the student with finding the answer (referrals).  If the question is not a general one for advising or related to advising at all, then you will most likely refer the student to another office.

Degree Programs

In addition to understanding and keeping this flowchart handy, you’ll also want to refer any student asking a specific question about a degree program to an adviser who works with that degree program or the liaison, unless this is a degree program that you advise or will eventually be advising. Use the Advising Contacts by Team to see a list of advisers by team and degree program.

Group Email Addresses

Another important document will be this one, which provides the important email addresses you may need to send messages to or refer students to when working in wdadvising.