There and Back Again; the Wanderings of a College Freshman

I knew this would be the fundamental issue with my speech, and guess what? It was. I wander. I start somewhere, and I just keep going with it I have so much that I want to say, and I know so much about a topic that keeping it precise would be near impossible. It almost was manageable. Returning to the task at hand happened every now and then, but then muddled in facts, I would be lost again. Hopefully some measure of cogent message was ascertainable by my audience. In the end, however, my time was around 15 seconds past the limit, and I wanted to smack myself in the face for going the extra step and repeating certain aspects of my presentation. While repetition may be a good tactic for rhetoric, this was not the setting that was appropriate for that skill. All in all, I think I was able to capture my audience’s attention, but I did not focus it as concisely as the prompt required.

About Andrew Boynton

C'est moi.
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