


Fingerprints as Metaphor for Feminism Intersectionality

Fouz Aljameel

 Aljameel, Fouz. (2021). Fingerprints [Digital collage]. 


يقال إن خطوط يد الإنسان



التفافها من جهة لأخرى


تشبه رحلة الانسان لاحقا

في مجاهل الحياة

تلتف في مكان

وتنساب في آخر

بحيث لا تشبه رحلة إنسان

إنسانًا آخر

كما لا تشبه بصمته

بصمة إنسان آخر

وكما تنبان البصمة واضحة

في يد المترف الناعمة

تبدو ممحية في يد الفقير الخشنة

أنهكته طرقات الحياة

ومحت بصمات يديه


لقيت مرة عاملاً

في مطار

وقد وضعوه في انتظار طويل

خائفا وحزينا

لم تكن ليده؛ بصمة



تتصافح آلاف الأكف

رجالا ونساء

كبارا وصغارا

يهودًا من برلين

وعربًا من فلسطين

سيخًا وبوذيين ومسلمين

وحفنة أقباط في شارع

في أحياء القاهرة القديمة

لا تشبه بصمة في تلك الأكف

أي بصمة في الكفّ الأخرى

تتوحد المصافحات

رغم اختلاف البصمات



آلاف الأكف

آلاف المصافحات

وملايين البصمات

المتوحدة في اختلافها


العرّاف ينظر إلى يدي،

يقرأ خطوطها،

العرّاف يخبرني أنني سأعود

يوم ما

إلى الهند،

وسأكون أميرة قلب

رجل شرقي

العرّاف يرتكب خطأ

فجذوري عربية

يقرأ العرّاف أحكامه المسبقة،

لا خطوط يدي


It is said that the lines of the human hand

its meanders, curves

its intricacies

Its movements from side to side

and its flow

looks like a human’s journey

in the unknowns of life.

when we go through away

And shifts into another

No one’s journey will be the same as another’s.

Nor does fingerprint resemble

another person’s fingerprint

And as the fingerprint is clear,

in the soft luxuriant hand

it looks almost invisible in the poor’s rough hand.

Those life pathways exhausted them

It almost erased their fingerprints.

at an airport

I once met a worker

The system placed him on hold for a long time

scared and sad, he was

was not in his hand, a clear fingerprint.


Every morning

Thousands of hands shake hands

All races and genders

Old and young

Jews from Berlin

And Arabs from Palestine

Sikhs, Buddhists, and Muslims

Copts on the street

At the neighborhoods of Old Cairo

At the fingerprint in those hands

There is a united of the differences

Handshakes unite

Although the fingerprints are different



Thousands of hands

Thousands of handshakes

Millions of fingerprints

United in different


The fortune-teller looks at my hand,

Reads my lines,

The fortune-teller tells me that I will return

One day

To India,

And I will be an obedient woman

To Eastern man

The fortune-teller is mistaken

I do not have gender or place

I am neither eastern nor western

A fortune-teller reads her prejudices,

not the lines of my hand


The focus of my final project is fingerprints. Fingerprints inspire a new sort of autonomous system. Since the Chinese discovered in (221-206 BC) that each fingerprint is a unique pattern distinguishing the individuality of each specific person, prints have been used as evidence in criminal cases in various cultures to identify suspects. (, 2021) Prints have also been used to secure business agreements and contracts.

Our identities are represented by two layers of unique fine lines on our skin. Each person bears two imprints: visible and invisible. The visible surface imprint is what can be seen with the eye, while the invisible imprint is appear with the skin exposure to the sweat and oils, which are regular skin secretions. (2017, Science Buddies).

In this fascinating fingerprint system, I recognize metaphors for feminist intersectionality that defy all racist, ableist, and sexist preconceptions. Lines in the soles of the fingers are equal to all human beings in that they belong to everyone first and do not determine your color, gender, abilities, language, religion, or nation, but the lines offer one unique identity. Fingerprints are evidence, not only revealing the truth in criminal cases but also in social justice causes.



Finding Fingerprints, (2017, April 27).

The history of Fingerprint, (2021, November 11).