

I chose the Mitochondria lifeform as a metaphor to inspire the life-origin giving energy between individuals for equity, diversity, and inclusion. The reason that I chose this lifeform is I found that I have a mitochondrial disease, which caused palsy, neurogenic muscle weakness, and Ataxia, early this semester. However, I did not know what role it plays in my body; so, I decided to search for it.

It is the powerhouse of the cell. The main function of mitochondria is to produce energy. Mitochondria move around the inside of the cell, change their shape, and move dynamically within the cell, such as division and fusion. They are present in the thousands in each cell of the body. Mitochondria generate 90 percent of the energy for all body functions. If the consumed quantitative of energy gets higher than produced quantitative of energy from the mitochondria, the body starts to have a problem. If the function of the mitochondria gets weak, the energy gets down, and it links to reducing all organs’ functions. To activate the engine properly, harmony and balance of assistant nutrition are needed, which are mineral, iron, antioxidant substance, vitamins, and magnesium-based on main nutrition like protein, carbohydrate, and fat. If the mitochondria do not function well, the energy is not produced well, all the organs’ functions do not work properly leading them to get weaker and vulnerable.

I have been thinking about how people function and affect each other. We are all interconnected and influence mentally, physically, and emotionally. What could be the main nutrition for each other and assistive nutrition in this diverse society that can power up each other? What is the role of each other for living together for equity, diversity, and inclusion? What is your engine of energy in your life? Thinking about the source of your life, making you alive. What makes your energy up when you are with people?

<mitochondria micrograph>


Harvard University. (2010). Powering the cell: mitochondria [Video]. Youtube.

Porter, K. (n.d.) Electron micrograph of a mitochondrion in a cell of the bat pancreas [Micrograph].