Controversy Now Stuck on the Bumpers of Cars

Abortion debates have been a hot topic for years now. There have been countless protests, conflicts, etc. over this topic and people are definitely not afraid of sharing their opinion. To be honest, why would they be? Many people are passionate about this issue because the question of having control over one’s own body comes into play. There are definitely valid arguments for both sides and one opinion that has presented itself is the solution of defunding planned parenthood in order to essentially defund abortion guidance. This bumper sticker shown above represents the idea to defund planned parenthood and does so in a clear and concise way. I’m not saying that I agree with the message to any extent, but it should be acknowledged that the sticker absolutely gets to the point very fast.

The argument is certainly not detailed and presents no reasons why planned parenthood should be defunded. My initial understanding of the bumper sticker was that whoever was behind this statement wanted planned parenthood defunded because then they would not be able to give people information on abortions. But, thinking about it in more detail, the bumper sticker could have a variety of meanings which could be confusing for other viewers. The people behind this may want planned parenthood defunded so that they can’t share information about adoption anymore. Some people think adoption is wrong and that all parents should keep their children no matter what the situation. 

There’s a myriad of ideologies that this bumper sticker addresses, considering that there are 2 sides to this argument if not more, but one commonplace that can really apply to the vast majority is pregnancy. The majority of people have the ability to either impregnate someone or become pregnant, therefore this debate about abortion really forces most people to think about what they would do if they found themselves in a situation with an unplanned pregnancy.

Overall, I don’t think this message is clear about exactly what it wants accomplished but it certainly does address something that affects the majority of people.

One thought on “Controversy Now Stuck on the Bumpers of Cars

  1. This is exactly why I hate bumper stickers. You make a good point about the different ideologies that are hidden behind the bumper sticker, so it’s illogical in that fact alone. The only thing this bumper sticker accomplishes is announcing the person’s radical views and holds no weight at all.

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