Stormfront: The Support System For White Supremacy

Within this post we’ll be exploring the world of white supremacy; what it is, the logic behind it, it’s major fallacies, and any evidence offered by the cause. As a clear disclaimer I certainly do not agree with or support any content on this website or any “logical” reasoning/evidence that supports the white supremacy opinion/lifestyle.

White supremacy takes many forms whether that is an organization like the Ku Klux Klan furthering the opinions of white supremacists or websites such as that provides private forums, a radio show, and informational articles. Here we’ll be specifically discussing the website that works to promote the ideals and opinions of white nationalists who also support islamophobia, holocaust denial, and general racial hate. The website was first started in 1996 by Don Black, a former Ku Klux Klan leader and white supremacist.

Within the website itself, the first thing I observed was that visually speaking, the website is actually quite ugly and old looking. Whoever is visiting this website is really not there to be impressed or drawn in to the cause. For most people, they’re either a white supremacist or they’re not. There’s a very, very small amount of people for which a gray area exists, so there’s really no need for this website to be visually appealing because it’s not a platform for recruiting new members or support. The website is fairly straightforward with clearly established tabs like FAQs, a donation tab, and an easy-to-find guide introducing the main ideas of white supremacy, the Pro-White Movement, and the Stormfront brand. Other than this, the website promotes its radio station (Stormfront Radio) which features talks with Don Black and “friends” every weekday 10-11am.

The next major observation I’d say any regular person visiting the site would notice is that there are a lot of mentions about “the truth”. A lot of the phrases reference “accepting an uncomfortable truth to bring about a better world”. That truth being that whites are supposedly the superior race and an all white world would be a better world. One of the main points brought up states that “we whites are the race that dare not speak its name. Instead we white are supposed to pretend that we do not exist as a people, but only as adherents of the abstract “color-blind” ideology of human equality.” Now to an extent, what they’re saying is not entirely false. After reading this, what immediately came to mind were the minority groups we have on campus. If someone were to start a white/caucasian culture club, there would most likely be a huge amount of backlash against the club but if someone were to start a black culture club, a latino culture club, a Caribbean culture club, etc, there might not be as much backlash. Again, I’d like to make it clear that I would not support the creation of a white culture club but in the interest of keeping an open mind, I thought this idea was quite interesting.

The last observations I made when researching more into the core of Stormfront were its purposes and ideology. The main purpose for Black when starting this website was to heighten awareness of perceived anti-white discrimination and government actions detrimental to white people. I think that a fallacy is clearly evident here because although there may have been legislation passed that was detrimental to white people, it is certainly not comparable to the plight of minority groups in America. Other named purposes for creating the website were to sustain a community that could defend the white race by inviting members who defined themselves in opposition to ethnic minorities. One of the more positive aspects I found within the purpose of creating the website section was that in any and all of the forums within it, racial slurs and violent threats are completely prohibited.

As for the general ideology it centers around the idea of racial purity. The ideology is mostly set in motion by the “struggle for unity, identifying culture, speech and free association.” The ideology is also presented on the foundation that America was built by White Europeans so to follow in the footsteps of the Founding Fathers is often used as an argument. With this idea, I think again it is quite obvious why this idea is illogical in that just because our leaders successfully fostered the birth of a country does not mean that we should continue to uphold everything that they were, believed in, or did while living. The last thing addressed within Stormfront’s ideology is islamophobia which has become increasingly popular with the organization’s members especially after the 9/11 attacks.

Clearly this organization/website promotes an idea that the majority of people would disagree with and for very logical reasons. To end on a positive note, the most viewed area of the website only has about 300,000 views and membership is only around 120,000. Now these may seem like big numbers, but when compared to the general population of America, the population of minority groups, and the amount of minority advocates, this group has very little power and influence if any.