A tough question it is. Is healthcare a right that everyone deserves? I believe so.
On the surface, universal and free healthcare for everyone seems to like the type of “no-brainer” idea. However, under the surface, most decisions that impact money and people have a much greater economic impact than most would choose to believe. A free healthcare system would put stress on the tax system in the United States. Already high taxes would become even higher with having to cover everyone’s healthcare in the United States. This taxing also brings up important questions about who should pay? And how much?
Is it fair that I, a healthy individual who takes care of my body must pay for someone’s healthcare who smokes heavily and is reliant on drugs? I didn’t make those decisions so why should I have to pay for them. Also, if the government is giving me healthcare for free, they decide what doctor I get. A family gang that worked hard in the United States and acquired wealth should be able to choose the best doctors in the world if they can afford it. It is their life, their money, and in some way, their doctor.
However, this issue is a double-sided coin. Maybe that smoker revived secondhand smoke from their parents, grew up in a poor area, and has no money. They turn 30 and realize they need a lung transplant due to secondhand smoke. They are poor and cannot afford it. In this system of healthcare, they would be left to fend for themselves and eventually die because they cannot afford it. There is no correct answer in this situation. It is a matter of personal choice and internal conflict.
Free healthcare is coming eventually. There is no way around it. Not the next president, but the one after Biden’s successor will be voted into office for his universal healthcare system. A bold prediction, but one I stand by. Society today is pushing capitalism out. The economic policy that built this country is taking a back seat to a more open and “all-inclusive” type of economic policy. Is it something I disagree with? Not necessarily, but society is always evolving and changing. Society as a whole hasn’t regressed in a long time, so I am not really worried. Time will tell if it becomes a good policy, but I personally would love to see your thoughts on this matter.
jbo5218 says
I agree that we will see some form of universal healthcare adopted soon. It does not make sense to design the healthcare system around profit for companies when the whole point is to save people’s lives, not make money. There are enough areas of business that thrive from free markets, medicine does not need to be included when trying to maximize the bottom line. Free healthcare would provide much more stability to the lower class and would eventually help the economy.