I found Allison’s Elevator Pitch about school shootings to be very intriguing. While presenting, Allison used a very clear and concise delivery. She was prepared with background information about the artifact. The style of her work included very descriptive words that developed a sophisticated pitch. Allison was very clearly prepared with an inventory of sources and information to use. The artifact itself was extremely intriguing because of the tone of the kids and the background of the image. I think it would be really impactful if Allison developed the mood of the background even more in her analysis. For instance, when I look at the visual, I see an under-funded school where the children look sad and the colors are dark and dull.
We all know that school shootings are definitely an extremely relevant topic today, especially on social media. I really like how this artifact compared the lack of gun control to the banning of books. This is extremely eye-opening as it takes something as innocent as children’s books and compares it to gun violence in schools.
I think with that information, Allison could further develop the idea of how the visual uses pathos to evoke emotion within the audience. It is obviously emotion-provoking to see these children and the struggle that they face with going to school considering how prevalent gun violence is.
Thank you.
I like your idea of bringing pathos into the analysis because the ad relies so heavily on the emotion it makes the viewer feel. Another topic she might have touched on was the color grading of the ad and how dark it is. The dark tone adds onto the pathos of the ad and therefore would fit nicely into the added pathos analysis.
I also commented on Allison’s elevator pitch. I think her artifact was really impactful, and this topic really made me need to speak more about it. Gun control is an important topic that needs to be recognized more.
This pitch was very good. I also think Allison can describe more about the setting of the image too, especially with the dilapidated furniture and the American flag in the back, all makes for a very eery setting.
I agree with you that the background, particularly the colors, conveys a lot about the mood the artifact creates for viewers. The artifact is very impactful and Allison did a great job explaining the visual rhetoric that is used.