TEDTalk Slides for Mental Health Awareness

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As you can tell, I had a lot trouble finding an image for my slide about the 2000’s. I am still pulling research from this time period to figure out what image makes sense to include here.

I also think it was hard for me to narrow down a time period that I wanted to focus on. I decided to do the subtopic of institutional mental health resources (specifically in colleges) in order to focus my topic a little bit more.

Categories: RCL

4 thoughts on “TEDTalk Slides for Mental Health Awareness

  1. I think your slides are coming along nicely, I know text is typically frowned upon but I think captioning some of the images with names wouldn’t hurt to add. Names typically go in one ear and out the other so if you plan on referencing these people in your talk mentioning their names could be a good move. I really like the figure in the 2021 slide and I know it would be hard to find but finding something to compare it too would be really effective towards to viewer, such as figures from 1990 to see how the numbers have changed. Of course you may plan to talk about it during your talk.

  2. I like the images you included, I also struggled to find images that fit certain eras so I’d say you did a pretty good job. I enjoyed the 1920s image the most I’d say, I like the way you had the name captioned and the image to go along with ‘mental hygiene’. I think the loner you work on it, the better it will turn out.

  3. I think it’s good that you decided to narrow your topic a bit because it will help you find more specific resources. The images all look like they will help support your argument in a chronological way. I also like the statistics at the end because seeing the numbers associated with your argument really drives the points you’re making home. I’m interested to hear you talk specifically about the 1920’s, as the image you put on that slide is very intriguing to me.

  4. I think your slides look really good. It is hard to find pictures for some stuff. I think it helps thinking of different ways you can illustrate the same idea through an image or maybe a statistic or even just a really general picture yk.

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