Ideas for Unit 3 Project: History of a Public Controversy

Here are some ideas that my group and I have for our Unit 3 project:

  1. One idea that we have is to examine the controversy of video game violence. I would imagine that there are strong believers that video game violence is not such a bad thing because it’s barely significant, and I would also imagine that there are individuals that believe that exposure to violence in gaming can lead to negative effects.
  2. A second idea that I have for the project is to look into the implementation of school uniforms. Is it a good thing to enforce a rigid dress code with identical outfits for each student, or does it limit the ability for high school students to express themselves?

Thank you.

Categories: RCL

4 thoughts on “Ideas for Unit 3 Project: History of a Public Controversy

  1. I like the first Idea and I think our plan to expand it to just technology’s effect on children as a whole will make for a great presentation.

    School uniforms could have been a cool idea with very well defined sides to the argument. I prefer the technology in the classroom idea but this was still a really good idea.

  2. Both of those ideas sound interesting, especially the school uniform. I am glad we decided on a topic that has a lot of content we can discuss on.

  3. Sorry I wasn’t in class today to help pick a topic!! I think the topic you chose will be really good though, I’m excited to work on it!

  4. I like how you guys expanded on the first idea to come up with the topic of how technology impacts children. I think this is an important topic to discuss as we are now seeing how excessive technology has impacted generation alpha.

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