RCL II: Ideas for Upcoming Projects

“This I Believe” Podcast: 

  1. My first idea is to write about my (lack of) religious beliefs.
  2. My second idea is to write about my belief that immigrants are always doomed in this nation.

Personal is Political Blog:

  1. My first idea is to write about my experience studying abroad in Guatemala, and how that taught me about service and children.
  2. My second idea is to write about my experiences with being on a sports team all of my life, and how that taught me about leadership and teamwork.

Civic Issues Blog: 

  1. My first idea is about education for women in other countries.
  2. My second idea is about the expense of healthcare for people all around the world.
Categories: RCL

3 thoughts on “RCL II: Ideas for Upcoming Projects

  1. Ally, I think you have a solid idea of what you want for your “This I Believe” podcast. The second bullet point is interesting to me as to why you believe that immigrants are doomed in this nation. I would love your viewpoint on that issue. Additionally, I think it is really cool that you have a travel abroad experience you can talk about. I think this topic would be so detailed and informative to read about. Your second idea about your Personal is Political Blog, which can also be a great idea to write about as you can relate your skills to the sport. Overall, your Civic Issues blog ideas are also intriguing as I am also interested in writing about education and its value.

  2. Reading through your ideas for each of these blogs, it seems to me that you hold significant passion or dedication for the struggles of immigrants and those living under economic hardship. I think that either of the ideas presented for the civic issue blog would be quite suitable for the blog, but I might steer away from the immigration idea for the “This I Believe” podcast as it doesn’t seem from your writeup that you have a very personal connection to it. Your study abroad experience in Guatemala does sound intriguing as a topic, and it would be very interesting to learn more about how that shaped you and how you shaped those around you during that experience. Overall, I think most of these ideas would be suitable for further work once they are developed better.

  3. Hey Ally! I think your “This I Believe” idea about your lack of religious beliefs would be very interesting to hear especially since most people do have a strong religious belief. I am extremely interested in hearing what you have to say because I also have a strong lack of religious belief in my life and would love to hear from someone similar to me. Also, I talk a lot about how America labels itself as this accepting, free, welcoming country when in reality most of the time immigrants are treated very poorly, so I would love to hear more about this as well. For your Personal Is Political Blog, I think talking about your experience studying abroad would be very interesting since you have direct experience that not many other people can have. Also, for your Civic Issues Blog, I love both of your ideas as I feel as though they are very relevant to today but are not talked about as much as they should be.

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