Personal is Political: Volunteering at the Homeless Shelter

When I was in high school, I would dedicate some time each month to spend at the homeless shelter in downtown Harrisburg PA. Going into this project, I did not know what to expect in terms of what I would be required to do or how I would interact with individuals. It was scary. It was uncomfortable. But after only a few short short months, I finally learned that my preconceived notions were far from the truth.

Most weekends I would leave the shelter with tears from laughter on my face. These people were so funny and so full of life, and they didn’t have a chance to prove themselves to the world. It always broke my heart to know how much they appreciated the small social interaction that I was able to provide to them each month. I always wish that I had more time with them to get to know them even better.

During one of my weekends there, I helped the staff to serve meals to the residents of the shelter. I remember handing out bread rolls and feeling so appreciated for the work that I was doing. It is interesting to recognize that I find it hard to remember the day-to-day mundane tasks that I did around the shelter, but I will never forget the interactions that I have with people there. They would always have the best manners to thank me for being there, and they would appreciate any small gesture or gift that I would bring for them.

I hope that in the future more of us can spend time in facilities like this homeless shelter to understand that just because these people live a life that looks different from ours, it does not mean that they are any less than us. These people are still kind, compassionate, and appreciative with so much life and humor inside of them. I hope that one day homeless people will start to be treated at an equal with the rest of society.


Thank you.

3 thoughts on “Personal is Political: Volunteering at the Homeless Shelter

  1. Each week I am amazed at all the amazing work you have done in your life. You have such a well rounded perspective on so many groups of people that others may look down on or think differently of just because of mistakes they might have made previously.

  2. That is so amazing that volunteered at the homeless shelter which is super impressive and respectable. It sounded like a such a good time from time at the homeless shelter. Overall I loved reading about your times volunteering all over your community.

  3. Every time I read your blogs I am surprised at the amount of volunteering that you’ve done throughout your past. I think it’s amazing and comes genuinely from your heart. I hope that the good that you’re doing will find its way back to you.

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