Author Archives: syg5357

Central African Republic: Music, Bees, and Basketball

Shane Galloway

The Central African Republic has many beautiful things within it that often go unseen as they are not what makes the top headlines for news stories each night.  One of these great things is the music that the people are so passionate about.  One of the more popular instruments that is used is the sanza, it is made of a wooden board and pieces of metal and is played by plucking.  The Banda people who live in the Central African Republic have made some modern popular music of which some has been recognized.  The United Nations Educational Scientific, and Cultural Organization has said that the trumpet based jazzy music the Banda people have made is one of the greatest musicological discoveries of our century.  Music is very important in the lives of many Central African Republican people as it is used in their religion and as a form of entertainment.

Another positive thing about the Central African Republic is the fact that primary schooling is free.  While many nations struggle to become educated there is hope that children can get an education while not having to pay for it.  One fascinating discovery in the Central African Republic was a new species of bee.  While this new bee does not produce honey it plays a crucial role in pollenating plants and crops in the area.  This is important as farming needs to be as productive as possible so learning more about these bees could give insight as to how crop production could be increased leading to more food available to the people.  Also it is so exciting to see just how diverse the wildlife in the Central African Republic is, discovering a new species with how much technology we have today shows how little we know about the world and makes you wonder what else could be out there.  Like many other countries in Africa, soccer is very popular but recently basketball is being used to try to bring the country together.  While there is a lot of violence in the Central African Republic a recent basketball tournament brought people together for a peaceful gathering.  Sports have been used to unite nations before and many in the Central African Republic are hoping that basketball will be able to do the same for them.  The power that sports can have really can be incredible and are a great distraction from everyday life or not so ordinary situations like there are currently in the Central African Republic.  But this game gave the leaders, players, and many of the people hope that peace can be restored and progress can be made going forward.Basketball_boys_Sin_CAfr_07

Learning all of these amazing things about the Central African Republic has made me realize just how bad the stereotypes are that the media and even education systems in the United States have.  Growing up in America Africa is always seen as so far behind and always portrayed as this one country not the multiple ones that it is.  Finally getting to learn more about an individual country and what they do and all the technologies they have makes me feel ignorant for the way I looked at them previously.  Typically when looking at Africa the only sport I would ever think of was soccer seeing as it is so popular.  But now that I saw what this basketball tournament did in the Central African Republic my eyes have been opened to realize that you need to actually research things for yourself before you can form an opinion on them.  I really believe that is what this entire class has taught me, how the mainstream media does not portray the truth and until you try to find out the facts for yourself or educate yourself you will never truly know what is going on around the world.

Africa and US Colonization

Shane Galloway

While the United States of America and almost all of Africa were once colonize by the Europeans their experiences were quite different.  First off with the colonization of the United States, the people who settled there came from Europe and were not the native people.  While the Native Americans were already there the Europeans travelled to the United States in hopes of a new life in the New World.  Going there gave people a second chance or in some cases the freedom they were looking for.  Many settlers left England for religious reasons as they wanted to practice the way they wanted to not the way the king told them to.  When looking at the colonization of Africa it was more the European powers coming in and taking control of the existing cities and settlements the native Africans had already established.  A similarity between the American colonies and African ones is that both eventually fought for and gained their independence from the countries that were ruling over them.  This is a big step for both as now they are finally free to live as they want and do not have to worry about answering to some European power.  A difference between the colonization of America and Africa is how it started.  With the African colonization, European leaders held the Berlin Conference.  At this event they established ground rules for colonizing Africa, but no African leaders or representatives were present to talk about their feelings on the matter.  On the other hand in the Americas it was a free for all as European powers tried to grab all the land and riches they could.  The British colonists had to deal with the French and Spanish and even got into the French-Indian War fighting over the Midwest of the United States.  With the Berlin Conference the African countries had no say in what happened just like in America.  The American colonists began to rebel because of many reasons including one slogan “Taxation Without Representation” the colonists wanted a voice in government matters and neither Africa or America had them.  Religion played a large part in the American colonization and had a huge impact on the African one as well that most people do not think about.  The settlers in America believed that bringing the pagan slaves to their Christian world would be better for them than leaving them in Africa and being free.  The Europeans also felt this way and began trading with the Africans for their people.  One African king was even quoted to have said we have three things to trade with you, to a European merchant, “Men, women, and children.”  This way of thinking was terrible and it is hard to believe looking back that people thought this was acceptable.  The slave trade was one of the worst human events to ever happen and was wrong by both sides.  People should never be treated that way.  I think that slavery continues to have an impact on current events as you see people rebelling in countries with oppressing governments.  They say we learn about history to not make the same mistakes twice and make better decisions in the future.  As some governments try to control their people it is almost like turning them into their own slaves.  If the people are not free to do what they wish and are always being bossed around then that is almost like a modern day form of slavery.  Looking at a country like North Korea, although not much is known about it because they are so secretive and highly secured the people there have so little freedom.  They are not allowed to leave the borders and most do not have access to the internet or any type of contact from the outside world.  They are being enslaved by their leaders and should not be treated that way.  I believe that people need to treat others more as equals if we are to truly have a fair world.

Ancient History of Ghana

I decided to write about the history of Ghana because the Central African Republic had very limited information on their ancient history.  The ancient kingdom of Ghana was one of the richest kingdoms of its time, they had incredible gold mines and harvested large amounts of gold which they were able to use to trade.  During the Trans-Saharan trade Ghana introduced the camel which helped in transporting much larger quantities of goods.  The ancient people of Ghana were intelligent as they built their capital Kumbi Saleh right on the edge of the Sahara making it one of the largest trading posts during the Trans-Saharan trade.  As trade began to flow in the people established a taxation system in order to ensure that the kingdom would always profit off of the trading that was going on.  Ghana was one of the great ancient kingdoms and were quite powerful, archaeologists have found evidence of livestock that were in the area during these times.  One major ruler of the Ghana Empire was Kaya Magan Cisse, he founded the Cisse Tounkara Dynasty which later ruled the Ghana Empire in the 8th century.  As the Trans-Saharan trade picked up the ideas and values of Islam were introduced to the ancient kingdom of Ghana.  The King however made sure that the Islamic community was separate from the Kingdom and remained at a distance from the rest of the city.  The King continued with the traditional beliefs that the people of ancient Ghana held from before he did not adopt to these new ideas.  The King used the muslim scholars for bookkeeping purposes to keep the trading post running.  One of the greatest advancements that the ancient Ghanans came up with was the use of camels.  This innovative idea allowed for more goods to be transported at a time creating more opportunities for trade and more wealth to be brought to the kingdom.  The Ghana Empire was very powerful, it was said that at one time they had 200,000 soldiers and calvary.  This is an important fact that many people forget, Africa once had many powerful kingdoms that were on the same level if not more advanced than Europe.  They practiced written languages, had schools, experimented with different types of medicine, and had great military strategies.  These kingdoms fought one another for power and when the Europeans began to explore Africa they traded with these people for the gold, salt, and other items that they possessed.  The Europeans did not just come in and take control over Africa because they were so weak, the two traded as equals showing the power these kingdoms had.  The Ghana empire created a trading monopoly through their smart use of the camel, they had all the control similar to how the Romans gained power through the use of their road system to keep their empire connected.  My assigned country is the Central African republic which did not have anything on the internet or databases about it.  I believe this is due to the fact that it was not connected to the ancient kingdoms so all history was by word of mouth and there was nothing written down to go back and look at.

Shane Galloway

Visit the Central African Republic



The Central African Republic is one of the most vibrant places you could ever want to see and has various species of wildlife that are quite the sight.  As you can see in the picture above there are beautiful rivers to look at surrounded by jungle.  The climate is tropical and experiences a wet season in which it rains almost everyday.  These rainy seasons are what leads to having such amazing rivers in which people use to travel on and can be incredible to explore as you observe the wildlife and amazing scenery that surrounds the banks.  As you can see from the picture the Central African Republic is quite vibrant, the jungles are full of life and plants that can only be found in these areas.  Within these jungles are some of the most jaw-dropping waterfalls you will ever see, the rivers cut through the jungle and rush over the edge creating a movie-like scene.


As can be seen in this picture seeing these sights in person would be an event you will remember for the rest of your life.  The Central African Republic is a great example of how great of a place Africa is to travel to.  Many people do not realize all of the sights and fun that can be had when traveling to Africa.  The Central African Republic is also home to many different types of wildlife that can be seen in their natural habitat.  Experiencing these animals in the wild instead of a cage at the zoo is so much more exciting and memorable.  There are many beautiful species that can be seen like forest elephants and lowland gorillas located in the southern regions.  In the north there are lions, leopards and rhinos along with many other types of wildlife.  One of the best parts about visiting the Central African Republic is the area has not had so much human interference as most places on earth.  There is a very small amount of light pollution so at night the stars can be seen incredibly clearly, it really helps you to connect with what life was like before humans began building cities and polluting the air.  The natural beauty that exists in the Central African Republic is astonishing and unfortunately most people will never experience it.

Not only is the landscape and physical features incredible, the people who live there are as well.  These people live everyday so differently than Americans do but their way of life is so interesting to experience.  The villages work together as they all try to survive of off the land by growing crops, gathering food and hunting. While this feat is not easy the part that really should be touched on is the sense of togetherness and family that the Central African Republicans have, they look out for one another and always try to help when they can.  Ideals and values like this have been seemingly lost in America and need to return being a good person should never go out of style.  So book your flight today for a life changing experience as you see unforgettable rivers, jungles, waterfalls, wildlife, and an amazing culture.

Shane Galloway

US Drones in Niger

Drone Picture


This article talks about how the Pentagon has confirmed that they will be opening a second drone base in Niger.  The United States government and Nigerian government had been dead locked on this for a long time but the Nigerian has agreed.  The United States will now have another base to track Islamist fighters who have been terrorizing parts of North and West Africa.  The French have also been working with the Americans in an effort to stabilize the region and help the local communities and governments from being taken over by these terrorist groups.  This is an important news piece to look at because it gives insight as to what is going on in parts of Africa and shows what people have to deal with.  It is also important to note who is trying to help the Nigerians and other nearby countries to know what other countries not located in Africa are putting their efforts to.  The United States and France are obviously concerned about these terrorists and hope to be able to help in stopping them.

The authors tone is concerned and informative, they are worried about what is going on with these terrorist groups and want the people to be informed about what is truly going on so that they can know the truth.  One key word though that is used is tribal, as discussed in class this has been used in a condescending way to represent communities that are located all across Africa.  Words like this are what lead many people to believe that Africa is an uncivilized place and they could not be further from the truth.  There are cities located in Africa and universities just like in America, they have a school system in many countries and cell phones as well.  Until words like this are stopped from being used people will continue to look down upon Africa and the diverse people who live there.  Although this word was used in the article one time as a whole it did not come across as stereotypical, the author points out that the Islamists are the ones causing the trouble and have some relation to Al Qaeda.  The United States does not appear to be getting involved because they do not believe in the Nigerians but more so because of the stance that they have already taken against Al Qaeda and terrorism in general.  I feel the United States would have stepped in on the situation if it was in Africa or Europe, which is a positive sign showing that they may no longer feel like they need to watch over Niger and nearby countries as a big brother but rather as equals and they are helping as Allies not conquerors.

The source comes from the Washington Post which has some impact on the way it is written.  Most of their articles are written in similar ways with many facts just as this one is.  The tone of this article is fairly positive and really focuses on the real issue that is at hand of the Islamists and does not make it seem as if the Nigerians are helpless.  Many points are made at the discussions and interactions between the Nigerians and Americans showing that the United States does value their opinions and wants to be an ally not just someone to come in and take over.

Shane Galloway