Tag Archives: Angola

History Repeats Itself

Take two countries like Africa and the United States and most people would use the word similar to compare the two, but you can’t judge a book by its cover. As different as these countries are now, they were both colonized very similarly by the Europeans. This is just another example of how where nature and nurture both play a factor, nurture takes over as the dominant factor.

The European Colonies of Africa

The Europeans have a tendency to think they can intrude on other people’s land and take over. The African’s and European’s had quite a confusing time with each other. Through treaties and other agreements, the African’s thought they were making allies, but the Europeans thought that the African’s were signing their life over to them. The African’s soon realized this and did what anybody would do, they resisted. African leaders tried to order military rebellions but they were no match for Europe’s well-developed military. The African military was not the biggest or most professional army out there, so they relied mostly on Guerrilla Warfare. The African countries fought hard but could not hold on to their precious land. The technology of the African weapons was very basic, they used things such as bows, arrows, spears, and swords. While the technology of the European weapons was very up to date, they had the latest rifles, machine guns, artillery, and pretty much any of the newest technology at the time.  There was just not much chance for the Africans. By the 1900’s most of Africa lost the battle to the Europeans and was colonized by the powers of Europe. Every European power wanted a piece of this new African territory and this created what is known as “The Scramble for Africa”. These countries were so serious about getting as much of Africa as possible that the word “Imperialism” started getting tossed around a lot. This colonization should sound familiar to you if you know anything about the colonization of the United States.

The United States colonization is so similar to this that it is scary. There are some differences like the fact that the British actually used force to move the Indians first and then also tried to use force to control the American colonies after. The British used force just like the other European powers did in Africa. There was also war between world powers because everyone wanted a piece of America just like “The Scramble for Africa”. The colonies of America had a small army so they too had to use Guerilla warfare. The technology difference in weapons between Britain and the colonies was not quite as big of a difference as the one between Europe and Africa, but it was still enough to give the Americans a disadvantage. The colonization of Africa and America are so similar and not many people even think to look that far into it because they see how different these countries are today.

Slavery in America

Imperialism and slavery are to me very similar terms. Imperialism is virtually the act of making a group of people into slaves. No imperialism is not as severe as slavery but it has the same basic principles. The definition of imperialism is “a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force” according to dictionary.com, and the definition of enslave is “cause (someone) to lose their freedom of choice or action, usually by force”. These two definitions are very similar. If you look at the first part of the definitions, a country extending its power is like exerting its dominance, usually a loss of someone else’s freedom also comes with a country extending its power. The second part of each definition refers to the act of force being used to obtain what someone wants. I think that slavery and imperialism are both horrible things. Slavery often comes with more severe treatment of the victim but not in all cases and sometimes the victims of imperialism are often treated very poorly. I think that slavery and imperialism go hand in hand and are both awful things, but unfortunately they are both a part of our history.

– Austin Groff

Come to Angola and discover new wonders!

So you want to travel and spend have great vacations? You want  to discover new places and have a good time? Pack your bags, visit Angola! I’ll show you the way!

Let me introduce you to this beautiful country. Angola is a big country, with twice the size of Texas locate in the south-west region of Africa and bordered by  Namibia to the south, Zambia to the east, the Democratic Republic of Congo to the north-east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. The country has a population of 19 million very warm and welcoming people.

The main touristic spot is the capital Luanda, a very fast-growing city and its population estimated to be over 5 million people and it a very diverse city with a great quantity and quality of hotels, great options for restaurants, bars,  a very exotic and exciting nightlife with very outgoing women and  with no closing time!! With that being said, if you want to party until 9 AM in the morning, you are more than welcome to do so! The city also have a beautiful bay and two near islands with great beaches, “Ilha do Cabo” and “Mussulo”!

-Luanda’s bay

Ulha de luanda
-“Ilha do Cabo”

With beautiful beaches along the cost and only two seasons, one of  hot temperatures from September to April and a light Fall season the rest of the year and you can imagine that Angola is great for summer vacations!

But, if you are not interested to be in the busy capital Luanda and are looking for something different there’s a lot more to see, visit and do in Angola.

If you are a nature and wildlife lover, you would be happy to visit Angola. You will be able to see marine wildlife all over the coast, several very beautiful and rich in animals and plants national parks like “Parque Naciona da Quiçama”, “Parque Nacional de Cangandala”, “Parque Nacional da Mupa”, “Parque Nacional da Cameia” and “Parque Nacional da Iona”.

-“Parque Nacional de Quiçama”

If you are looking for beautiful landscapes Angola is also the right place for you with incredible waterfalls like the “Kalandula” falls and the incredible and breathtaking mountain range “Serra da Leba”.

-“Quedas da Kalandula”

-“Serra da Leba”

Going south you will find warm and clear blue waters in the relaxing beaches of Benguela  like “Caotinha” and “Baia Azul” in the middle of Angola’s coast! Benguela is one of Angola’s biggest cities after the capital Luanda but is very calm and a great place to relax!

benguela_praia_baia_azul2_welcome_to_angola benguela-09
-“Caotinha” and “Baia Azul” beaches

Still going south, you will find at last a beautiful place in Namibe’s province, a desert that meets the Ocean, “Deserto do Namibe”. In Namibe’s desert you can do radical sports, observe desert wildlife and if it gets too hot (as it probably will) you can relax in the beach!

-Where the desert meets the Ocean, “Deserto do Namibe”

Besides all of that you can also travel to the interior and find traditional tribes for a more cultural touch and learn a little bit from this very interesting group of people.

I’ve shown you some pretty nice things about the beautiful Angola and several reasons for you to visit this beautiful and diverse nation so if there’s money in your wallet you should buy your ticket and get to know this place where there’s so much for you to see and do! If there isn’t money in your wallet save enough so you can do so and enjoy the wonders of Angola!!