Increasing Yields and Incomes
Cacao provides an alternative to illicit production of coca for Colombian farmers.
How can Colombian farmers make a sustainable living without growing illicit but profitable crops such as coca (the plant used to produce cocaine)?
- Fifty-three years of civil war have negatively impacted the agricultural investments and growth of Colombian farms.
- Disadvantaged farmers grew coca and marijuana either by force or because it was the only option during the conflict.
Plant scientists at Penn State are contributing their expertise on the genetics and the cultivation of the historical cacao plant to provide a road map for the postconflict agricultural development of an alternative crop that is both profitable and sustainable. Cacao, the principal ingredient in chocolate, is native to Colombia, which already produces some of the finest-flavored cocoa in the world.
Cacao provides a new opportunity to support legal agricultural development in Colombia as the global demand for chocolate is continually increasing. The Cacao for Peace initiative provides training for the difficult-to-grow crop and seeks to make Colombia a major player in world cacao markets. By mapping the genetic diversity of cacao, the team will be able to trace early species of cacao to their origins and possibly identify the genes that are responsible for disease resistance.
Mark Guiltinan and Siela Maximova
USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Agency for International Development, United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, the Peace Corps, Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA) , the Colombian National Federation of Cocoa (Fedecacao), and Purdue University
Competitive Funding
USDA Foreign Agricultural Service; U.S. Agency for International Development
Federal and State Appropriations
Project PEN04569 and USDA NIFA Accession #1003147
Image: kaiskynet/