A Pop of Color

Abby Harper's Blog for Rhetoric and Civic Life 2020-2021

Category: CI

CI5: Spreading Love (and Awareness)

a teal ribbon in the shape of a heart

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I initially chose the topic of food allergies for my Civic Issues blog in hopes of sharing information about something important to me. In the process, I have come to learn more about current policies, research, and advocacy movements. I wrote my Persuasive Essay about food allergies deserving more respect and recognition. 

I’d like to dedicate this final blog post to highlighting information from previous ones and generating awareness about the issue. 

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CI4: If You Liked It Then You Should Have Put a Label on It

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As I’ve touched on in previous blogs, the process of picking out and buying food has some added stress for those with food allergies. A reason for this is the labeeling on the food, which can make or break their comfort and safety. 

Food labels traditionally have the usual nutritional facts, a list of the ingredients, and an extra line to highlight any allergens present in the product. An accurate label will account for all of these allergens, including the possibility of cross-contamination or other sourcing, which is referred to as “may contain.” Labeling in this way brings ease to the process of selecting food with restrictions.

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CI3: Living the Gluten-Free Life

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Something I have always been humbled to learn about is how people’s daily experiences can differ so much. Be it the difference between a person who wears glasses and a person who does not, to something much broader, it is always interesting to consider what it is like to walk in another’s shoes.

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CI2: The Added Worry At School

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Think back to your school lunches. Did you have a favorite that you looked forward to seeing on the menu? Pizza, tacos, breakfast for lunch? For many, these school lunch memories are an integral piece of the school experience. Unfortunately, that break in the middle of the school day can have different meanings for different people. 

As I touched on last week, food allergies are a topic of great concern for me. For people, particularly students, with food allergies, parts of life like school lunches can spark lots of worries. 

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CI1: Food Allergies During a Crisis

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As we go through life, it can be overwhelming to witness the problems of others. The world is full of so many perspectives and situations that there are countless civic issues to engage with. While we may not always be on the front lines for every case, I feel that we can take opportunities to learn about these many experiences.

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