It’s finally that time guys. Our final blog post. I’m honestly getting a bit teary-eyed thinking about this moment. I know blogging will continue as we go into ENGL/CAS, 138T but thinking that we won’t all be together is definitely heartbreaking. As a side note to what I will talk about today, I just wanted to share that it has been my utmost pleasure blogging with you all and getting to know each and every one of you through this experience. Since this is a conclusion-type blog, I feel like I should reflect back to the beginning. With my blog being about cards, it’s a little hard to do so, but looking at one archetype, it reminded me of one of the topics I was brainstorming while trying to think of a topic for these blog posts.
Back at the beginning of the semester, I was totally lost on what I could possibly write for them. I was never really expressive about my own activities out of a work area, so I definitely wondered if I could blog for the entire semester. I wasn’t that big into hobbies either. The two main ones were Yu-Gi-Oh! (of course) and gardening. I shared gardening with my mother. I was actually leaning towards gardening at first because I didn’t have much confidence that anyone would care about a crazy girl and her addiction. And I knew that if I didn’t know something about gardening, I could just ask her. But as more time went on, I realized that to survive college I would need to stand on my own two feet. So, in a leap of faith, I decided to base my blogs around Yu-Gi-Oh!, and despite being rather niche, I’m glad that I was able to communicate with others about my passion. My passion for gardening didn’t fade though, nor did my love and admiration for my mother. So today I want to dedicate this post to the things (and person) I love most.
Definitely a little late to actually be talking about cards now (word counts at 343 before the parentheses), but the archetype I want to talk about are Trickstars. The Trickstars are not necessarily an archetype that would give you plant vibes because of their designs as pop stars, but their names and effects actually are based around real world plants. All of the monsters in the archetype are named after a flower, with said flower appearing in the corner of their artwork! One of the things that I should note as well is the amount of detail put into those flowers in their artwork. The flowers vary in many different shapes and sizes in real life, which the illustrators of these cards perfectly encapsulated! Pretty impressive when there are over 20 Trickstar monsters!
Though the girls and flowers might not seem as much on the surface, they pack quite a punch. Once being meta relevant in all formats of the game, the Trickstars specialize in dealing effect damage per action that either player would make. They had synergy with each other to bring out the trickstars with the heaviest hitting damaging effect and watching the firework show start on your opponent’s turn! Sometimes people would even win the game on turn 1 (which is before your opponent would get to move)! I guess being based around poisonous plants does have its perks! Though poisonous (or toxic, pick your poison), I can’t help but to have admiration for these cards. They took something as tame as plants and made them beasts (at least to the meta, they’re still pop stars in their art). They are in a way promoting passions within the Yu-Gi-Oh community. Whether your passion was gardening, burning (which no meta deck was, until that point), or liking the aesthetic of pop stars, they stood strong and encouraged me and others to believe in their passions because one day those passions will make you feel on top of the world.
Which these posts have done for me. So with a heavy heart I leave you all, but I hope that your passions will continue to guide you to the top, just like how my passion blog did and will continue to do for me.
I think it’s really cool that you decided to make your blog about something you are truly interested in even if other people don’t get it. I felt kind of similarly with my own blog with some of the music artists that I chose to write about, but I think at the end of the day it is most important to pick a topic that you truly care about. I had honestly never heard of Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards before this post, but the way you wrote about them was still interesting and grabbed my attention. Now I’m interested
I am glad I got you interested in the game! It was definitely frightening to choose something not many people can relate to, but just talking to people like this just makes me so ecstatic. Even more so when I am able to successfully capture the attention of someone unfamiliar to the game!