Dear Senior Me

Dear Senior Me,

The time has come where you are about to close a chapter and open a new one up. I can’t believe four years have flown by so quickly, where did the time go! I remember when you were just a freshman starting here Summer Session 2018, so nervous and not knowing what to expect. Hopefully you are on the path to going to grad school to become an Occupational Therapist or Nurse, one of the two. What are the things you have accomplished? Did you join a sorority? Did you join any clubs and participate in THON? Did you make amazing friends that will last a life time? What was your hardest class and your easiest? You have probably had the best experience of your life thus far. From late night studying, going to football games, THON, Greek Life and much more the memories are endless. I hope you have found yourself in a career path you are ambitious about and excited to pursue. Most importantly I hope you had the best four years of your life and did not let it slip by!

Movie on 8-3-18 at 11.02 AM-1ff6cak

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