FYE Video and Dear Senior Me


Dear Senior Me,

I can’t wait to see you walk across the stage at graduation, with a diploma in hand. Right now, the day seems so far away, but at the same time I know those four years will have gone by in a flash. I hope you made the most of your time: joining clubs, intramurals, participating in THON, and all the other activities Penn State provides. Isn’t that one of the reasons you came here? In four years, I will probably be looking at a completely different person in the mirror. I hope the change is for the better, and I know it will be if you had set your priorities straight and continuously focused on bettering yourself.

The 16 years of education you just went through are now complete. Congratulations! Now don’t let them go to waste. I hope the next step in your life is working full time for a company you connected with throughout past years. The Smeal College of Business is great in providing resources to students, offering internships, and even jobs with a variety of different companies. I know you knew that, because your freshman self knows too. I hope the weight on your shoulders isn’t too much of a burden. For now, ignore those stresses and look out at the massive crowd here to celebrate you!