Diversity in Ice Cream

This picture shows a couple that had just come from the arts fest, eating ice cream at the creamery. The picture is diverse for many reasons such as the type of ice cream he’s eating which is cookie dough, and also the way they are sitting on the bench.

This photograph was taken at the Penn State Creamery of a young man eating his cookies n cream ice cream. This photo represents diversity in a number of different ways. The type of ice cream in the photo is diverse because of the diverse amount of flavors the creamery has. Some other diverse qualities of this photo are how he is eating the ice cream off of the cone with a spoon, the fact that he is a day trader, and also the style that he has is very unique and diverse compared to what most customers were wearing.

This picture displays an older couple enjoying their visit to the Berkey Creamery. The man is eating a bowl of chocolate chip ice cream while having a nice chat with his wife. One thing I noticed here is everyone has a smile on their face, including the woman in the back eying up her mint chocolate chip cone. After snapping a few photos, we talked with the couple and learned the man is interested in photography.

These friends share the same experience, ordering a mint chocolate chip bowl topped with an ice cream cone. This ice cream is quite diverse compared not to the other flavors, but to the styles. Typically, customers order a bowl or cone, but this type contains both.

I’ve never had an experience like this where I would go up to strangers and ask to take their photo. In high school, I took a photography course so I knew how to use a camera and take a proper picture, but capturing strangers was never taught. At first, Andrew and I were nervous about approaching our first group of people, but we gained confidence the longer we were there. We began taking photos in the afternoon, which fascinates me that so many people were at the creamery during this time. Although they were likely at Penn State for the Arts Fest, another landmark on campus is the Berkey Creamery, which was in full force with the line extending outside. Ice cream was central to this entire experience, and I enjoyed seeing the different flavors and ways people would eat their treat. We saw lots of diversity in such a small area, which goes to show it really exists everywhere one goes to in life.


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