Blog #6:

Source #1:

Source #2:

Source #3:

Source #4:


These are four examples of the sources I will be using in my Unit 2 project.  These sources discuss the creation of the monetary system in the United States.  Two of the sources discuss public opinion about its creation and these sources will especially helpful while I complete my project work.  These sources will allow me to divulge into the paradigm shift in both opinion on the bank itself and a paradigm shift on the impact its creation had and the ripple effect it had. I believe that using more primary sources will be more helpful in shaping the public opinion part of my paper.

5 thoughts on “Blog #6:

  1. Currency is definitely a cool thing to talk about! It is all based on how the community looks at it so it seems perfect for the paradigm shift essay.

  2. I think that your topic is very interesting, and I love that you already have a source that you will be using. Great job!

  3. This topic is really cool and unique. I think it will be an awesome topic and a really good example of a paradigm shift.

  4. You have a very interesting topic, and I’m very exited to how you are going to expand on it. Great sources (reliable, information packed, respectful) great selection – love it, great job.

  5. This seems like a very unique and interesting topic and it sounds like you will be able to find good resources for it. All in all it sounds like a great topic and I’m interested to see the final product.

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