Deep sea fishing is a staple of beach life in Jersey. It something every yearlong resident of the Jersey shore has done at least once in their lives. Trust me on this, you can ask anyone, and the answer will always be, yes. More than likely the locals fished that week.
I’ve been deep sea fishing numerous times and each and every time brings its thrills, scares, and excitements, I think it’s all these differing emotion’s being brought into one event that make fishing, specifically deep sea fishing, so much fun and continues to bring people back time and time again.
Each time someone decides they want to go deep sea-fishing they have to make the decision whether they want to forfeit their sleep and get up at 5am in the hopes of catching more fish or take the easy way out and go mid-day, knowing that less fish will bite during these hours. For my Dad, Grandpa, and myself, nine times out of ten we chose forfeiting sleep. Every single time we decide to go mid-day we end up regretting it, vowing to never do it again yet somehow at one point or another one of us makes the decision to go mid-day.
Now that a person has chosen the time to go fishing, they must decide what boat they want to go on. At the Jersey shore, there are the common fishing boats, the ones all locals know by name because they go up and down the cost morning, noon, and night. I’m not exactly sure why, but most of these boats are called Norma-K 1, 2, 3, etc. There are also the smaller fishing boats called charter boats that take smaller groups of people out on fishing trips. Both have their pros and cons. The bigger boats are more fun as there are more people to talk to and more people around you catching fish. But, with more people around you fishing it also limits the number of fish you can catch because someone else’s line is always getting the bite. On the smaller boats, there is a much greater chance of catching a bunch of fish in one go but the boat is less stable and rocks around a lot. While I don’t get seasick, I know others who do and have personally witnessed my fair share of people getting sick.
Regardless of what time you go and what boat you take, deep sea fishing is guaranteed to be a good time and I defiantly recommend it if you ever visit the Jersey Shore.