Blog Reflection #8 WF ED 884, 002, FA19

I thought the AI summit regarding Idaho education for the blind and deaf was fascinating in the lengths gone to include everyone that needed to be included – guide dogs, braille, sign language translators, etc.
I’m sure seeing those provisions also opened a few eyes as to the achievability of these accommodations, as well as perhaps unlocking a bit of empathy for those in these circumstances.

I liked how Diana defined integrity as more than just a personal thing; instead, it is a concept that requires concern and stewardship for a whole organization. “Integrity” cannot be achieved in the AI context without assuring that it implies inclusion of all involved and consideration for the success of the organization as a whole.

Author: Alejandro Gutierrez

I am pursuing the OD Master's at PSU. I have a background in psychology, behavioral neuroscience and economics, and digital applications for startups.

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