WF ED 884, Blog Reflection #10

The thing that most stood out to me was his discussion of a positive perspective on Change – viewing change as an opportunity, something to be at peace with, is a complete game-changer. I think that the general view of change is of something undesired and negative, since it messes with our expectations for outcomes and the plans that we have laid. Change is often something frightening that challenges our comfort zones and our sense of identity. However, with a positive perspective, change can be an opportunity for growth or something new.
When our values and vision are put to the test by change, and when we use them to interpret the change as an opportunity to apply those values and vision, they become stronger INSTEAD of becoming threatened and uncertain.

Author: Alejandro Gutierrez

I am pursuing the OD Master's at PSU. I have a background in psychology, behavioral neuroscience and economics, and digital applications for startups.

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