Content marketing is absolutely and unequivocally worth it – however, it must be done right! Done incorrectly and inconsistently, with no plan, it just adds to the noise and dilutes/befuddles an organization’s core identity and message. In that sense, it is both the way of the future and the death of us – because there is so much trash content out there, it can certainly feel like a death. I am also concerned about the enormous invasions of privacy currently going on with large corporations and all their tech and apps and services constantly mining and selling our data. While that sounds pretty tinfoil-hattish, any research into the actual issue is quite alarming. I’m sure we’ve all had the experience of having a conversation with someone and mentioning something, only to have that thing, or something related, show up in an ad 15 minutes later. That’s only the beginning.
As far as how this influences me, I am going to absolutely partake in content marketing, but I want to do it well; I think it should be minimal, useful, well-crafted, and reach the correct people who actually give a damn about what you’re saying. If I’m saying nothing new, and saying nothing useful, and saying it to the wrong people – what’s the point? It’s false productivity.