This I Believe… Final (Audio)

TedTalk – The Meat Industry



When we first discussed this assignment, I didn’t think I would enjoy it. It brought me back to high school, where I felt like I was doing these constantly to the point where it was unoriginal and got boring. In this class, it was the complete opposite. Because of the fact that it was tied to a smaller aspect of our paradigm shift, it made it much easier to actually complete this assignment, as well as made me more knowledgeable and comfortable explaining parts of the meat industry for my research paper.

One of the major struggles I had in completing this TedTalk was picking a topic. I’m extremely indecisive and could not find a smaller topic within the meat industry that was interesting enough for me to talk about for a couple of minutes, or that motivated me enough to research the topic. However, I enjoyed how it was in much smaller groups because I felt less intimidated and less pressured to pick a topic that everyone would be excited to listen to me explain in depth. In eliminating that anxiety, it made the overall experience much more enjoyable and the project was much easier to complete. Being with a third of the class, we were able to become more comfortable with each other and make jokes to get each other to relax before presenting.

Not that this is an aspect to this project that can be changed, but having to go buy an adapter and a USB drive in order to be able to complete this assignment was a little annoying, though, it was definitely not the end of the world. If I were to do this assignment again, I did prefer being told what topics to avoid, whether because they were overdone, not done well, or impossible to research information on. Also, being able to have little meetings, whether with my classmates or with my professor, made the process more bearable and eased my anxiousness about my topic and structure of my TedTalk.

Unit One Civic Artifact Rough Outline

Topic: Civic Engagement 

Purpose: To legitimize the issue of climate change and call attention to the importance of choosing leaders who will deal with global issues properly

Thesis Statement: Patagonia’s tag campaign legitimizes the issue of climate change by calling the public to attend to the issues of leadership through the use of intrinsic proofs and commonplaces.


Attention Strategy:  Garner the audience’s attention using specific words/languages to emphasize the importance, just as the artifact does; potentially tell an anecdote about using swear words and how as children, we are taught not to use them unless we want to be penalized or unless the person deserves it

Orienting Material: explain what climate change is using relevant and current examples of what is going on in the world (polar bears, icecaps/bergs, etc.) 

Preview: overview of how I will be discussing the emotion behind the wording, how voting is a commonplace amongst adult citizens, and the 2020 election and Patagonia’s stance on climate change policies


A. The use of intrinsic proofs in Patagonia’s campaign aid in identifying with the audience and creating a sense of relevance in the audience’s lives.

  • Ethos
    • Patagonia is a well-established brand that sells outdoor clothing (knowledgable about the environment)
  • Pathos
    • Choice of wording (calling out the people who choose to ignore the issues of climate change)

B. The tags created by Patagonia establish a commonplace that all adult Americans share: the power to vote.

  • the U.S.’s ideals are surrounded by one idea: freedom (to vote)
  • the idea of political parties isn’t relevant, but Patagonia is trying to bring everyone together despite any differing issues (simply calling out any political leader who ignores climate change)

C. Kairotic Moment

  • 2020 election – call for action against those who have policies that do not combat (or help to combat) climate change
  • 2020 election was predicted to be one of the largest elections that brought out the most participation (encouraged people to go do their civic duty and vote)


Summary Statement – Patagonia chose to employ certain devices to evoke a reaction out of the citizens and prove to them the importance of climate change and leadership during times of increasing need (need for policies that will combat modern issues)

Concluding Remark – relate the current climate change issues to how important this issue is going to be for our children, grandchildren, etc. and use vivid imagery to compare how life was for us growing up versus how it will be when they are growing up, if they even have a childhood